首页 » Java » fccCode-practice-master


于 2021-03-14 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  运用最新的SpringBoot2.0以上版本和SpringCloud各大组建以及SpringcCloud-Alibaba 的Nacos,Seata,Sentinel等组件整合成的大型项目(It is a large-scale project integrated with the latest version of spring boot 2.0 or above, the major components of spring cloud, and the components of Nacos, Seata, sentinel of spring cloud Alibaba)


practice, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\.DS_Store, 6148 , 2021-03-09
practice\LICENSE, 11357 , 2021-03-09
practice\README.en.md, 952 , 2021-03-09
practice\README.md, 1313 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\.DS_Store, 6148 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\META-INF, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF, 36 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\jstl.jar, 20682 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\mysql-connector-5.1.8.jar, 723660 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\standard.jar, 393259 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\WEB-INF\web.xml, 2975 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\addUser.jsp, 1148 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\hello.jsp, 3129 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\index.jsp, 1119 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\register.jsp, 1158 , 2021-03-09
practice\WebContent\updateUser.jsp, 1380 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.annotation.jar, 7713 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.ejb.jar, 47581 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.jms.jar, 25957 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.persistence.jar, 129793 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.resource.jar, 44511 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.servlet.jar, 69933 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.servlet.jsp.jar, 78836 , 2021-03-09
practice\lib\javax.transaction.jar, 9714 , 2021-03-09
practice\servletproject01.iml, 3186 , 2021-03-09
practice\src, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\.DS_Store, 6148 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\control, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\control\ServiceUser.java, 2197 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\dao, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\dao\UserDao.java, 7132 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\po, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\po\User.java, 1610 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\AddServlet.java, 2115 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\DeleteServlet.java, 1169 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\LoginServlet.java, 1521 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\RegisterServlet.java, 1702 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\UpdateServlet.java, 2144 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\UpdateUser.java, 1114 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\servlet\selectServlet.java, 969 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\util, 0 , 2021-03-09
practice\src\com\project\util\JDBConn.java, 885 , 2021-03-09



0 个回复

  • RobotDoctor - 基于知识图谱的智能医疗诊断系统
    说明:  信息科技经过 60 余年的发展,已经普及到社会生活的每一个角落。随着信息技术在国家治理、经济运行的方方面面的应用,大量的数据随之产生。而互联网技术的爆发式发展使得近年来产生的数据总量超过了人类以往产生的历史数据的总和,医疗行业的数据增长幅度尤为突出。 医疗大数据具有巨大的价值,尤其是在临床辅助诊疗和健康管理方面。医疗大数据已经上升到国家战略,同时也是全球学术界与产业界竞争的研究热点。如何利用这些医疗数据,挖掘数据的深层价值,是未来信息科技发展的趋势,也是医疗大数据技术产生的背景。(After more than 60 years of development, information technology has spread to every corner of social life. With the application of information technology in all aspects of national governance and economic operation, a large number of data are generated. The explosive development of Internet technology has made the total amount of data generated in recent years exceed the total amount of historical data generated by human beings in the past, and the growth rate of data in the medical industry is particularly prominent. Big medical data have great value, especially in clinical assistant diagnosis and health management. Big medical data has risen to national strategy, and it is also a research hotspot in the competition between global academia and industry. How to use these medical data to excavate the deep value of the data is the trend of the development of information technology in the future, and also the background of the emergence of medical big data technology.)
    2019-03-11 16:38:21下载
  • area_app_api
    很重要的log文件为啥就通过不了呢,具体我也不知道啊(To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time)
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  • calculator
    说明:  实现加减乘除,平方,取余,三角函数等计算功能(Achieve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, square, redundancy, trigonometric functions and other computational functions.)
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  • GPUShark-
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  • 大作业三
    使用java开发,电梯调度系统,能正确根据现实生活中电梯情况来实现(Elevator dispatching system)
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  • 深入浅出学Shiro
    shiro基础资料,包含简单的基本内容,供大家学习使用(shiro learning data for boay)
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  • easyjf.com_src
    EasyJF官网全站源码是EasyJF开源团队站务组及核心成员共同开发及维护的系统,该全部源码不是一个开源项目,仅供EasyJF团队正式成员使用,为庆祝2006年德国世界杯开幕,EasyJF管理团队讨论于6月9**对外开放源码,EasyJF没有打算对该下载包进行后期更新,该源码仅供广大的国内java开源爱好者学习及交流EasyJWeb及EasyDBO等开源目使用。 (Network-wide Station Official EasyJF source is open source EasyJF station group and core team members to develop and maintain the system, which is not an all-source open-source projects, for the use of a full member of the team EasyJF To celebrate the opening of 2006 World Cup in Germany , EasyJF management team to discuss the June 9 opening source**, EasyJF did not intend to download the update package for the latter, the source for the majority of domestic java learning and the exchange of open source enthusiasts EasyJWeb and open source, such as head EasyDBO使用.)
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  • aspmew
    asp 信息系统,简单易用。可以产考下学习(asp xinxixitong jiandanyiyong keyichankao)
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  • qrimage
    自己写的一个java的QR二维码识别程序,支持摄像头。适合java初学者研究使用(Himself wrote a Java QR two-dimension code recognition program, and support the camera. Suitable for Java beginners research use)
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