▍1. about_ISO14443
iso14443的相关信息介绍。适合入门的朋友。(ISO14443 introduce the relevant information. Suitable for entry-friend.)
iso14443的相关信息介绍。适合入门的朋友。(ISO14443 introduce the relevant information. Suitable for entry-friend.)
公司用于CMM3级实施培训的教程,对于提高CMM3级实施水平的提高有较好的帮助.(CMM3 class companies for the implementation of training curricula, improve CMM3 level for the implementation level have better help.)
VMM for SystemVerilog中文版 Synopsys推崇SystemVerilog的设计和验证语言 这是一本很好的电子书(VMM for SystemVerilog Chinese version of Synopsys highly SystemVerilog design and verification language This is a very good e-book)
最佳信号理论与设计方面的电子书,非常不错,值得推荐(Best Signal Theory and design of e-books, very good, worthy of recommendation)
这是SPSS12统计分析教程(高级篇)(作者:张文彤)书中的有关数据(statistical analysis Guide (Advanced Part 1) (Author : Wen-Tong Zhang) of the data book)
Origin教程ppt,页面简单但内容详尽(Origin Guide ppt, pages simple but detailed)
关于计算机维修的心得,写上来看,不容易啊。对维修很有指导作用(maintenance on the computer experience, to write, Burongyia. Useful guide to the maintenance role)
科技创新不是一夜之间就能搞成的。他也是一个渐变的过程。(technology innovation is not into the overnight. He is also a gradual process.)
EXE电子书制作讲解了如何制作EXE格式的电子书,是一本比较好的参考资料。(EXE ebook creating explain how to produce EXE format e-books, is a good reference.)
优化理论与技术在航空领域的应用。通过分析和讨论优化理论目前在航空公司收益管理、航班优化排班、机队规划、航班实时决策调度等业务中的应用,论 述了优化理论与技术在航空公司应用的实际效益,给出了应用的主要模型及流程。同时建议了优化理论在航空领域的其他研究方向。(optimization theory and technology in the field of aviation. Through analysis and optimization theory discussed in airline revenue management, flight scheduling optimization, fleet planning, Real-time decision-making flight scheduling operations, the application of optimization theory discussed with the airlines in the practical application of effective, given application model and the main flow. Optimization also proposed the theory in the field of aviation other research.)
这几篇文章详细的介绍了软件漏洞的查找和如何分析。(these articles detailed account of the search for loopholes in the software and how to analyze.)
教你怎样使用cubase SX的视频教程(teach you how to use cubase SX Video Guide)
Art_of_writing_testbenches,学习写testbench的经典书籍(Art_of_writing_testbenches. Learning to write the classic books testbench)
称它为“驱动程序超级宝典“一点也不过分,因为它是被译为中文的MSDN DDK文档。这个文档不是我翻译的,我只不过将它编辑了一下。翻译它的同志是个高手,非常专业,在此先谢谢他给我们作的工作。 ( Called it is "the driver super precious book" not excessively, because it is translated for Chinese MSDN the DDK documents. This documents are not I translate, I only have edited it. Translates it comrade is a master, extremely specialized, first thanks him in this the work which does to us. )
说明: 弹片机教程单片机教程上载内容 返回首页 请一定要上载质量高而且本站没有的源码 (shrapnel-SCM Guide tutorial on the contents of Home Requests must be of high quality on the site but not the source)
说明: 动态域名申请、架WEB服务器(APACHE)、FTP服务器(serv-u)、Imail邮件安装、设置、ActivePerl安装设置、安装CGI&雷傲论坛等全图文的指南 (dynamic domain name applications, Web-server (APACHE), FTP server (serv-u), Imail mail installation, setup, ActivePerl installation settings, the installation of CGI Forum mine proud of the entire transmission Guide)
说明: 国内外知名企业的求职笔试大全,包括微软,IBM,华为,中兴等在内,部分还有参考答案,相信对想在IT界大展宏图的你会有很大的帮助的!哈哈!(famous enterprises at home and abroad for job-seekers written Daquan, including Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, ZTE, there are some reference to the answer, I believe in the IT sector to show the ambitious you will be a big help! Haha!)
集成运算放大器应用原理,超星阅览器阅览(Integrated Operational Amplifiers principle, viewing reader Superstar)