▍1. zygl
名称:资源配置管理系统 功能简介:我们可以通过计算机管理系统队企业生产资源进行管理,解决传统管理方法中运作节奏慢和企业内部资源不能及时作出匹配和调整的问题,进而对企业内生产设备、资源配置、人力资源等进行更有效的管理,统一安排,降低企业资源的闲置与浪费,大大提高企业资源的利用率,提高企业的工作效率和经济效益。(Function brief introduction: We can force the computer management system for enterprise production and management resources to address the traditional management method of operation of the slow rhythm of internal resources and business matching and should not make timely adjust the problem, and thus the enterprise production equipment, resource allocation, human resources, etc. more effective management, unified arrangement, reducing idle and waste of resources and greatly improve the utilization of enterprise resources, improve enterprise efficiency and economic benefits.)