▍1. Digital-Signal-Processing
数字信号处理界最经典的教材Proakis的巨著(digital signal processing)
数字信号处理界最经典的教材Proakis的巨著(digital signal processing)
A Book Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks:A Semi-tensor Product Approach ( Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks presents a systematic new approach to the investigation of Boolean control networks. The fundamental tool in this approach is a novel matrix product called the semi-tensor product (STP). Using the STP, a logical function can be expressed as a conventional discrete-time linear system. In the light of this linear expression, certain major issues concerning Boolean network topology- fixed points, cycles, transient times and basins of attractors- can be easily revealed by a set of formulae. This framework renders the state-space approach to dynamic coCheng, Daizhan Qi, Hongsheng Li, Zhiqiang)
A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Image Super-Resolution
The aime of this file is to give a brief overview of Retinex technique for both the Single and the Multiscale approach.
TDOA2010工作流使用说明,如何定义表单以及流程定制。(TDOA2010 workflow instructions, how to define the form and process customization.)