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于 2008-11-01 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  本程序为回波抵消程序,程序中附有解释,很明了,并能到达到消除回波的效果(This procedure for the echo cancellation process, accompanied by explanation of procedures, it is clear, and able to achieve the elimination of echo effect)



0 个回复

  • OFDM
    根据流程图搭建并且仿真OFDM系统,画出输入输出的信号的星座图,计算误码率,改变抽头系数……(According to the flow chart, the OFDM system is built and simulated. The constellation diagram of the input and output signals is drawn, the bit error rate is calculated, and the tap coefficient is changed.)
    2018-09-16 11:48:40下载
  • CD4067B
    这是一个CD4067B的技术资料,希望对大家有帮助。(This is a CD4067B technical information, we hope to help.)
    2012-03-10 13:40:05下载
  • EMD
    基于EMD分解的去噪算法以及HHT变换的各种用途(EMD decomposition based on denoising algorithm and HHT transform for a variety of purposes)
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  • efzicinnt
    说明:  车载设备写码说明 关于现在的CDMA改ENS码的资料~真的很有用的呀!你可以自己解决这个问题!(On-board equipment to write code on the current CDMA to ENS code data ~ really useful ah! You can solve this by yourself!)
    2019-03-28 15:35:08下载
  • bpsk
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  • putty_V0.
    PuTTY是一个Telnet、SSH、rlogin、纯TCP以及串行接口连接软件。较早的版本仅支持Windows平台,在最近的版本中开始支持各类Unix平台,并打算移植至Mac OS X上。除了官方版本外,有许多第三方的团体或个人将PuTTY移植到其他平台上,像是以Symbian为基础的移动电话。PuTTY为一开放源代码软件,主要由Simon Tatham维护,使用MIT licence授权。随着Linux在服务器端应用的普及,Linux系统管理越来越依赖于远程。在各种远程登录工具中,Putty是出色的工具之一。Putty是一个免费的、Windows x86平台下的Telnet、SSH和rlogin客户端,但是功能丝毫不逊色于商业的Telnet类工具。目前最新的版本为 0.68 latest release(PuTTY is a Telnet, SSH, rlogin, pure TCP, and serial interface connection software. The earlier version supported only the Windows platform, and in recent versions began to support various Unix platforms and was intended to be ported to Mac OS X. In addition to the official version, there are many third party groups or individuals that migrate PuTTY to other platforms, such as Symbian based mobile phones. PuTTY is an open source software that is maintained primarily by Simon Tatham and licensed using the MIT licence. With the popularity of Linux applications on the server side, Linux system management is becoming more and more dependent on remote. Putty is an excellent tool for various remote login tools. Putty is a free, Telnet, SSH, Telnet, and rlogin client on the Windows X86 platform, but it is no less functional than the business class tools. The latest version is 0.68 latest release)
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