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于 2011-03-23 发布 文件大小:3KB
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说明:  利用matlab来实现求振动振型和固有频率。(Seeking to achieve vibration and natural frequency of vibration.)



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    说明:  针对煤矿井下巷道狭长,信号多径效应明显,接收信号强度(RSSI)测距算法受井下环境影响大,定位精度低的情况,提出了一种信标节点链式部署结构下的动态RSSI测距算法,该算法以信标节点间的距离和它们间测量到的RSSI值为参考,计算巷道内实际环境下的路径衰落指数,以提高RSSI测距算法对环境的适应性。(A dynamic RSSI location algorithm is proposed based on the beacon nodes chain deployment of tunnel Wireless Sensor Networks and the algorithm takes the distance and the corresponding RSSI between the adjacent beacon nodes into account to calculate the actual path loss parameter in the tunnel, thus improving the environmental adaptation of the location algorithm. )
    2011-03-21 09:46:30下载
  • NF2FF
    Matlab code for Uniform and circular array antenna
    2011-02-09 23:30:55下载
  • kftools
    This set of MATLAB tools consists of some functions that I have found useful for basic image processing and blob analysis. The functions have been tested for MATLAB Version (R11) on PCWIN. Many of the files must be run as MEX files (MEX files are sometimes much faster than M-files). These must be compiled before use by typing "mex filename.c" at the MATLAB command prompt where filename.c is the relevant filename. Ensure that you are in the correct directory (e.g. cd c:..KFtools) and that the KFtools directory is included in the MATLAB path. The last three letters of all of the functions that are implemented as MEX files are m-e-x e.g. getboundarymex.(MATLAB This set of tools consists of some fu nctions that I have found useful for basic image processing and blob analysis. The functions ha 've been tested for MATLAB version ( R11) on PCWIN. Many of the files must be run as MEX files (MEX files are sometimes much faster than M-files). These must be compiled before use by t yping "Files filename.c" at the MATLAB command pr filename.c ompt where is the relevant filename . Ensure that you are in the correct directory (e . g. cd c : .. KFtools) and that the directory is KFtools included in the MATLAB path. The last three lett ers of all of the functions that are implemented MEX files are as m-e-x e.g. getboundarymex.)
    2007-03-25 12:02:37下载
  • cosine-filter-for-QPSK
    Pulse shaping using raise cosine filter for QPSK
    2014-11-25 03:52:48下载
    双馈风力发电系统仿真模型,采用背靠背式PWM调制方式。(Double-fed wind power generation system simulation model, using back-type PWM modulation.)
    2020-06-26 15:40:02下载
  • shixufenxi
    时序分析,基于时序分析的变形监测数据处理(Timing analysis, timing analysis based on the deformation monitoring data processing)
    2012-11-23 16:23:35下载
  • matlab6.5
    本书第一章系统讲述 MATLAB6.5 的集成工作平台,引导读者初会MATLAB 基本用法。 第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1 的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit 数组、稀疏类)则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5 的数值计算、符号计算、函数和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI 交互操作界面设计、EXE 独立应用程序生成、实现不同软件平台交互的API、M-book 数据图形文字环境集成等八大通用功能。本书用专门的一章深入浅出地阐明SIMULINK 的分层建模、仿真功能、MATLAB 交互的功能。(This book first chapter of system narrated that the MATLAB6.5 integration working platform, guides the reader first meeting MATLAB essential usage. Second, third chapter of system narrate the MATLAB6.1 four big basic data type (value array, string of character array, structure cell array, skeleton array), as for other expansion data type (function handle, mark data, internal integration function, the unit array, sparse kind) in addition wards off the chapter to state specially. Hereafter, this book with nine independent Zhang Fenshu MATLAB6.5 numerical calculus, the mark computation, the function and the data visible, the object-oriented programming, GUI operates the contact surface design, the EXE independent application program generation, to realize different software platform interactive API, the M-book data graph writing environment integration alternately and so on eight big general functions. This book expounds the SIMULINK lamination modelling, the simulation function with prof)
    2012-04-18 16:00:56下载
  • PF
    说明:  此程序是计算电力系统潮流的通解,通过支路法不断更新参数(This procedure is the general solution of the power flow calculation, continuously updated through the branch method parameters)
    2013-12-09 15:15:05下载
  • Rungehanshuchazhiwenti
    说明:  比较三次样条插值和拉格朗日插值多项式对runge函数插值的效果并作图解释(Comparison of cubic spline interpolation and Lagrange interpolation polynomial interpolation of the Runge function and mapping to explain the effect of)
    2008-10-27 03:55:10下载
  • matlab_tree
    用matlab做出有两个分叉的分形树的图形,树枝逐渐密集(Matlab make graphics fractal tree with two forked branches gradually intensive)
    2013-04-06 17:29:43下载
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