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于 2011-03-24 发布 文件大小:3KB
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说明:  JPEG压缩编码算法函数编程实现 子块DCT变换的图像频谱显示;8×8子块DCT变换系数按“Z”(Zig-Zag)扫描的图像重建; JPEG压缩编码(进行8×8子块的DCT图像变换,JPEG量化矩阵的量化与反量化,8×8子块DCT的图像重建); 计算图像的均方根误差 、显示误差图像和误差直方图。(failed to translate)





0 个回复

  • SIMPandOC
    在matlab平台上编写的基于SIMP和OC法的拓扑优化程序(topology optimization based on SIPM and OC)
    2010-11-18 20:23:32下载
  • a1
    说明:  matlab 对基于形状的图像检索的算法 其中以七个不变矩为主要方法!!!!!!(matlab shape-based image retrieval algorithm for which the seven invariant moments as the main method! ! ! ! ! !)
    2010-05-04 14:20:49下载
  • ModifiedMusic
    修正的music 算法仿真,MUSIC算法是用于做信号的DOA估计(modified music)
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  • jBPM5_tomcat6
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  • 火星转移轨道matlab仿真
    以二体问题为模型,从地球发射航天器探索火星,途中需经过一次无动力金星借力,寻找最优(总速度增量最小)的发射时间窗口和飞行时间,并绘制地球到金星的Pork-Chop发射能量等高线图。发射时间窗口为2023—2033年,总飞行时间不得大于2年。(Taking the two body problem as the model to explore Mars from the earth, it is necessary to seek an unpowered Venus transit force on the way to find the optimal time window and time of flight (the minimum total velocity increment), and draw the contour map of the Pork-Chop emission energy of the earth to Venus. The total launch time window is from 2023 to 2033, and the total flight time is not more than 2 years.)
    2021-01-06 16:38:53下载
  • TWODDCTcofiicients
    2d dct cofficient computation programs..
    2010-07-26 01:14:10下载
  • chap06
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