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于 2006-03-10 发布 文件大小:45KB
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说明:  DDE CLIENT,用于dde方式读区服务器内容(DDE Client for dde reading of server content)



0 个回复

  • wave-simulator-antenna-
    基于IRA天线的辐射波模拟器天线辐射性能研究(Radiation wave simulator antenna radiation performance of the antenna-based IRA)
    2013-11-24 10:17:13下载
  • WML_cppo
    值得深刻阅读的基于CP的OFDM同步程序这是一个非常好的用于OFDM的基于CP的 最大似然符号定时同步和载波同步的MATLAB仿真程序,经本人深入阅读吸收经典文献,反复编程调试而提炼而成,代码精炼有序序,绝对没有错误,由此程序仿真得到的同步曲线与经典文献完全一致。同仁们阅读此程序一定受益匪浅! 这里不吝成果,特上载与诸位网友共享。也欢迎同仁们提供更多的优秀程序。 由于文献要求采用N=1024个子载波 (Worthy of profound reading of the CP-based OFDM synchronization program which is a very good based on the CP maximum likelihood symbol timing synchronization and carrier synchronization for OFDM MATLAB simulation program, after I read in-depth absorption of classical literature, repeated programming and debugging and refining made, the code refined and orderly sequence is absolutely no mistake, this program simulation synchronization curves and classic literature is exactly the same. Colleagues to read this program must benefit Generous achievements, special upload to share with you friends. Also welcome colleagues to provide more excellent program. Because the literature require the use of N = 1024 subcarriers)
    2012-08-20 14:29:51下载
  • ListStudent
    输入学生的name,number,class等内容(importation students name, number, class, etc.)
    2007-05-14 19:03:11下载
  • D8active
    访问市场上流行的德卡公司的接触非接触读卡器程序(Access to the market the company' s exposure to the popular de non-contact reader program)
    2011-05-31 16:22:53下载
  • base-station-simulation
    中兴捧月,基站模拟程序,使用CSocket类(ZTE holding on, the base station simulator, using class CSocket)
    2011-06-24 15:18:52下载
  • ad hoc网络mac层协议修改和仿真源
    说明:  ad hoc MAC协议,修改及仿真后的代码,源程序,实现AD HOC网络通信(AD hoc MAC protocol, modified and simulated code, source program, AD hoc network communication)
    2020-04-09 10:42:34下载
  • 2dfft
    c++ source fft ifft 2-d FFT ofdm
    2013-12-08 16:47:48下载
  • ModbusRTU_attiny44
    MODBUS RTU using Attiny44 from Atmel
    2013-08-30 22:21:27下载
  • VC_MFC-Sample1
    Microsoft Visual C++ MFC串口通信编程详解,主要介绍了用CreateFile()函数和WriteFile()函数读写串口的实例,以及设置 串口属性的实例. 在工业控制中,工控机(一般都基于 Windows 平台)经常需要与智能仪表通过串口 进行通信.串口通信方便易行,应用广泛. 一般情况下,工控机和各智能仪表通过 RS485 总线进行通信.RS485 的通信方式是 半双工的,只能由作为主节点的工控 PC 机依次轮询网络上的各智能控制单元子节点. 每次通信都是由 PC 机通过串口向智能控制单元发布命令,智能控制单元在接收到正 确的命令后作出应答. (Microsoft Visual C++ MFC serial communication programming explain CreateFile () and WriteFile () function to read and write the serial port of the instance, and set the serial port attribute instance in industrial control, IPC (generally based on the Windows platform) often need to communicate with the smart meter through the serial port serial communication easy and widely used normal circumstances, the IPC and intelligent instrument through RS485 communication RS485 communication is half-duplex, only as the primary node industrial PC turn polling network intelligent control unit child nodes. every communication from a PC via the serial port to issue commands to the intelligent control unit, intelligent control unit receives the correct command response.)
    2012-10-11 07:23:02下载
  • serialDebug
    调试串口很有帮助,用windowsAPI编写,避免了com控件的局限性(help for serialport debug)
    2012-04-25 10:57:12下载
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