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于 2011-03-24 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  分离不同频率的五个信号源,采用自然梯度算法(Natural gradient algorithm for blind signal separation)



0 个回复

  • jiduchuanganqi
    常见的角度传感器的资料及选型,在选择角度传感器时可借鉴!(Common point of view sensor data and selection, the choice of angle sensor could draw!)
    2010-08-27 16:13:15下载
  • ComMat
    This class to allow send and receive datas between Matlab e VB.NET
    2010-09-09 19:27:40下载
  • MATLABprogrammingtutorial
    《MATLAB程序设计教程》也是一本学习MATLAB编程的书籍(MATLAB programming tutorial)
    2009-11-20 18:57:09下载
  • matlab
    MATLAB 的一些编程,基本的程序,为出学MATLAB的初学者(MATLAB some programming, the basic procedures for the out of school beginners MATLAB)
    2007-07-03 17:38:24下载
  • MatlabGUI
    matlab的gui教程,非常详细,简单易懂,便于学习,非常适合新手入门(The gui matlab tutorial, very detailed, easy to understand, easy to learn, very suitable for beginners)
    2013-11-14 20:32:18下载
  • synchronous-motor_-pf-_cases
    simulation of various cases of pf in synchronous motor
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  • 龙格库塔
    说明:  龙格库塔法解微分方程,解压直接可以运行,matlab平台(Runge Kutta method for solving differential equations)
    2021-01-18 09:43:02下载
  • mouth
    在所给定的图片上自动标定出嘴的位置,方便不同图像嘴的定位(In the picture given by the location of automatic calibration of the mouth, mouth to facilitate the positioning of different images)
    2010-12-08 18:03:41下载
  • goto
    we can use goto function in matlab.
    2012-08-30 14:25:01下载
  • Intelligent-control
    智能控制理论的各种算法及其应用,第一章为引言部分,概略控制理论和技术的发展、应用、复杂性等,对各章内容做一个大概的介绍;第二章介绍模糊逻辑基础,包括各种模糊基础模糊语言等;第三章主要讲模糊控制的概念、应用、范围和各种参数等;第四章介绍神经元网络的基本理论、神经网络基本模型等;第五章针对第四章的神经网络模型,提出了神经网络控制办法及其目的和各种模型;第六章讲了遗传算法,包括基本遗传算法,GA的实现技术等。本材料为东南大学和南京航空航天大学各相关工科专业的指导教材,为绝大多数老师所指定。(Various algorithms for intelligent control theory and its applications, the first chapter is an introduction part, the schematic control theory and technology development, application, complexity, do a general introduction to the contents of each chapter second chapter introduces the fuzzy logic base, blur the basis of fuzzy language Chapter the main stresses the concept of fuzzy control, application range and variety of parameters fourth chapter describes the basic theory of neural network, neural network model, etc. Chapter V for the first The four chapters of the neural network model, the proposed neural network control approach and its purpose, and a variety of models sixth chapter genetic algorithms, including the basic genetic algorithm, GA implementation techniques. This material is Southeast University and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the related engineering guidance materials specified for the vast majority of teachers.)
    2013-04-11 10:32:35下载
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