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于 2009-09-24 发布 文件大小:310KB
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  实现学生基本信息、选课信息及成绩的增、删、改、查功能。(Achieving students to basic information, elective information, and performance increase, delete, change, check functional.)



0 个回复

  • CEquipment
    利用MFC基于SQL server开发的数据库系统,不仅能学习MFC界面设计,还能学习到MFC连接数据库的计数(SQL server using MFC-based development of database systems, not only to learn MFC interface design, but also learn to connect to the MFC database count)
    2008-04-30 19:13:58下载
  • kaoshixitong
    一个四、六级考试成绩查询系统,该系统的用户由一般用户和管理员组成,然后不同的用户拥有不同的权限,各自完成各自的管理功能。首先是欢迎界面,然后选择登录,登录的时候首先要判断用户的身份,合法的用户然后进入到系统主界面中,不同的用户看到不同的系统功能。用sql server2000创建后台数据库,然后利用程序设计语言(VB)编写程序实现对数据库的操作。(A CET score query system, users of the system composed by the general user and administrator, and different users have different permissions, each of their respective management functions. First is the Welcome screen, then select the log, log to determine when the first user' s identity, legitimate user and then enter the main interface to the system, different users see different system functions. Background database created with sql server2000, and then use programming languages (VB) programming to achieve operation of the database.)
    2010-05-13 14:33:06下载
  • 50多万条形码
    此数据库文件mdb使用office中的access打开。 数据包括:条形码编码、汉语名称、汉语拼音、规格、单位、产地等信息。 无论是用于测试开发数据库、还是零售数据库,基础数据足够用了。(This database file MDB is opened with the access in office. The data include barcode coding, Chinese name, Chinese Pinyin, specifications, units, and other information. Whether it is used to test the development of a database or a retail database, the basic data is sufficient.)
    2017-12-16 22:36:39下载
  • 合并两个降序单链表(机考)
    说明:  在数据结构知识体系中,利用c语言编写实现功能:将两个单链表结合成一个单链表,(Combine two single linked lists into a single linked list.)
    2020-06-23 01:20:02下载
  • mysql-connector-java-5.1.32-bin
    mysql-connector 5.1.32版本。。。。。。。(mysql-connector-java-5.1.32.jar)
    2019-06-05 14:48:37下载
  • UCI
    是UCI数据库中的一些有代表性的数据集,用相关软件打开后即可使用(UCI database are some typical data sets, using the relevant software to open, ready for use)
    2009-03-24 00:21:12下载
  • yout.comdc
    0) 界面靓丽时尚,并可切换皮肤 1) 高速分类汇总,结果可导入Excel. 2) 采用MS-sql为后台数据库 3) 可无限客户端同时录入(0) interface beautiful fashion, and to switch the skin 1) high-speed classification summary, the results can be imported to Excel. 2) MS-sql database for the background 3) At the same time, unlimited client entry)
    2009-07-15 15:38:04下载
  • chaoshishouyinxiotong----anlong
    超市收银系统,基于MFC,数据库用的是Acceess2003,数据源用的ODBC(chaoshishouyin system)
    2014-07-26 22:27:01下载
  • 边坡信息集成
    说明:  高速公路路基边坡信息管理系统,实现施工信息添加、删除、检索等功能(Highway Subgrade Slope Information Management System)
    2019-02-27 16:36:16下载
  • mysql-connector-java-5.1.32-bin
    说明:  mysql-connector 5.1.32版本。。。。。。。(mysql-connector-java-5.1.32.jar)
    2019-06-05 14:48:37下载
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