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  华为CMPP源码(delphi源码).(Huawei CMPP source (delphi source).)




0 个回复

  • FetionWebServiceCSharp
    飞信WebService接口调用实例C#源码 功能:实时接收飞信,发送飞信,添加好友,删除好友等。 使用此飞信短信接口可以方便的在软件中集成飞信的收发功能,应用领域非常广,比如:机房监控及短信控制,新订单短信监控,开发自己的飞信机器人等。(Fetion WebService interface to call C# source code examples feature: real-time flight information received, the letter sent flying, add friends, remove friends and so on. Fetion SMS using this interface can be easily integrated in the software Fetion the transceiver functions, very wide applications, such as: engine room monitoring and SMS control, SMS control of new orders, to develop their own robots flying letters.)
    2011-06-23 09:32:13下载
  • smpplib
    一个短信smpp协议开发包源码,带COM控件(SMS SMPP protocol development of a source package with COM controls)
    2020-06-26 11:20:01下载
    用VC编写的短信收发程序,支持西门子TC35模块,已经过测试.(VC prepared by the procedures SMS transceiver to support Siemens TC35 module has been tested.)
    2007-05-19 22:31:25下载
  • VCPPPMFC_GSM-SM-Modem_code-
    这是用vC++写的短信猫的开发程序,函数接口已经提供了以及有Word的函数说明,VC++编写的短信猫SDK(It is written in SMS cat vC++ development program, function interface has been provided as well as Word' s function description, VC++ write SMS cat SDK)
    2014-11-21 01:16:41下载
  • 0044577
    139邮箱短信发送源码,结合易语言编码转换支持库和通用对象支持库,实现139邮箱发送短信功能。(139 E-mail messages sent source, combined with easy language support library transcoding and generic object support libraries, which achieved 139 E-mail function to send text messages .)
    2015-05-05 10:02:45下载
  • Groupd
    1、全局参数设置; 2、注册过滤敏感字; 3、发帖过滤敏感字; 4、限制IP功能; 5、设定风格模板; 6、备份、回复数据库 7、群发站内短信 8、更新缓存; 9、小组资料编辑; 10、增加、编辑风格模板(1, the global parameter settings 2, sensitive word filtering registration 3, post sensitive word filtering 4, IP restrictions function 5, set the style template 6, backup, reply 7, in the mass private messages 8, update the cache 9 Panel data editing 10, add, edit style template)
    2016-04-20 20:43:53下载
  • 51message
    设置短消息模式 设置短消息中心 AT+CSCA=“+8613800531500”回车(Short message mode to set the short message service center AT+ CSCA = " +8613800531500" Enter)
    2011-05-22 10:28:47下载
  • smscsharp
    C# 操作短信猫,里面提供了开发案例,也提供了dll库文件。(C# operator SMS cat, which provides a development case, also provides a dll library file.)
    2010-05-18 23:40:53下载
  • AgentXDemo
    呼叫中心是IP-PBX技术与传统呼叫中心的完美融合,企业无需自己购买服务器,即可拥有专业的呼叫中心服务。它将座席分配给位于不同地点的不同企业使用,集呼叫中心、电话营销、客户关系管理、销售任务管理、短信、传真等功能于一体,为现代化企业量身打造的综合通信服务平台。(Call center is IP-PBX technology and the perfect fusion of traditional call center, companies do not need to buy their own servers, you can have a professional call center service. It will seat assigned to different enterprises located in different places to use, set the call center, telephone marketing, customer relationship management, task management, SMS, fax marketing and other functions in one, integrated communication service platform for modern enterprises tailored.)
    2014-06-18 23:00:03下载
  • test_gprs
    基于华为M3100的GSM模块的GPRS收发短信程序(Based on huawei M3100 GPRS transceiver SMS of GSM module procedures........................)
    2016-02-09 03:48:41下载
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