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于 2021-01-13 发布 文件大小:3713KB
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说明:  光栏法的基本思想是(图1):定义一个扇形区域,通过判断曲线上的点在扇形外还是在扇形内,确定保留还是舍去。(The basic idea of ​ ​ light field is (Figure 1): definition of a fan-shaped region, by determining the point on the curve outside the sector or sector, to identify the retained or discarded.)







0 个回复

  • C-Technique
    C语言是一种计算机程序设计语言,它既具有高级语言的特点,又具有汇编语言的特点。它的功能性非常强大,目前是各高校的一门必修课。并且市场上许多软件也是基于C语言的平台而产生的,所以C语言在大学中的教学也称得上是"不遗余力"。但是近些年很多的学生普遍反映C语言晦涩难懂,不容易学透,非常努力的学最后却得不能心满意足,课程过后一无所获,甚至一个小小的程序都写不出来,于是针对这些情况就做出一些初步的分析,并且从C语言编程技巧上提出相关的改善对策。 (C language is a computer programming language, both with advanced language features, but also has characteristics of assembly language. Its function is very powerful, is now a required course in colleges and universities. And also a lot of software on the market based on the C language, platform and produce, so C language teaching at the university is also described as a "spare no effort." But in recent years, a lot of students generally reflect the C language obscure, not easy to learn thoroughly, very hard to learn, but finally could not have satisfied the course after nothing, even a small program that can not write, so for these situations to to make some preliminary analysis, and from the C programming language skills relevant improvement measures put forward.)
    2013-10-08 20:40:35下载
  • jiansheyinhan
    一个银行的提款程序。提款机的程序编译,提款机如何操作!(A bank ATM procedures. Teller machines to compile the program, how to operate teller machine!)
    2008-06-26 13:06:32下载
  • C-Technique
    C语言是一种计算机程序设计语言,它既具有高级语言的特点,又具有汇编语言的特点。它的功能性非常强大,目前是各高校的一门必修课。并且市场上许多软件也是基于C语言的平台而产生的,所以C语言在大学中的教学也称得上是"不遗余力"。但是近些年很多的学生普遍反映C语言晦涩难懂,不容易学透,非常努力的学最后却得不能心满意足,课程过后一无所获,甚至一个小小的程序都写不出来,于是针对这些情况就做出一些初步的分析,并且从C语言编程技巧上提出相关的改善对策。 (C language is a computer programming language, both with advanced language features, but also has characteristics of assembly language. Its function is very powerful, is now a required course in colleges and universities. And also a lot of software on the market based on the C language, platform and produce, so C language teaching at the university is also described as a "spare no effort." But in recent years, a lot of students generally reflect the C language obscure, not easy to learn thoroughly, very hard to learn, but finally could not have satisfied the course after nothing, even a small program that can not write, so for these situations to to make some preliminary analysis, and from the C programming language skills relevant improvement measures put forward.)
    2013-10-08 20:40:35下载
  • Source
    科学与工程数值计算算法(Visual C++版),全是代码(Science and Engineering numerical calculation algorithm (Visual C++ version), all the code)
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    UDF空化模型的定义,可编译的UDF文件,嵌入fluent,代替原有空化模型,计算质量转换(UDF definition of cavitation model can be compiled UDF files, embed fluent, instead of the original cavitation model to calculate the quality of conversion)
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  • arithmetic
    关于简单四则运算 每次可给出5题 累加正确题数 计算正确率(About four simple arithmetic can be given five questions each time cumulative number of questions correctly calculate the correct rate)
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  • aaa
    c语言飞机射击游戏 c语言飞机射击游戏(c language c language aircraft shooting game plane shooting game)
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  • 2
    说明:  形参只是形式参数,并不参与实际运算,但是形参在同一个函数里要相同,实参是实际参数,参与实际的运算, 有几个形参就对应有几个实参,形参在自定义函数里,实参在主函数里 (Formals only formal parameter is not involved in the actual operation, but parameter in a function to be the same, the argument is the actual parameters involved in the actual operation, several shape parameters corresponding to several arguments, parameter in Custom function, the argument in the main function)
    2012-10-01 22:42:31下载
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