(Solvetheequation-u&quot(x)+u(x)=exp(x)*(sin(x)-2*cos(x))BoundaryValueProblems)-IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn"> (Solvetheequation-u&quot(x)+u(x)=exp(x)*(sin(x)-2*cos(x))BoundaryValueProblems) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2010-04-30 发布 文件大小:4KB
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说明:  求解方程-u"(x)+u(x)=exp(x)*(sin(x)-2*cos(x))两点边值问题(Solve the equation-u " (x)+ u (x) = exp (x)* (sin (x)-2* cos (x)) Boundary Value Problems)



0 个回复

    甘肃景泰二期工程水费计算器,采用matlab2014a(32位)开发,运行需要安装其编译器MyAppInstaller_mcr,编译器下载地址后续会补上(Gansu Jingtai the two phase of the project cost calculator, the matlab2014a (32 bit) development, operation need to install the compiler MyAppInstaller_mcr compiler download address follow-up will fill the Gansu Jingtai the two phase of the project cost calculator, the matlab2014a (32 bit) development, operation needed to mount the MyAppInstaller_mcr compiler, the compiler download address follow-up will fill)
    2014-08-13 09:58:42下载
  • CPPPrima
    Mathematic Pascal problems. it is a lil bit easy with a triangle structure. and the number inside.
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  • dang2
    在matlab界面中显示坐标曲线,运用matlab中guide的axes控件编程。(In matlab interface to display the coordinates curves guide the use of axes in matlab programming controls.)
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  • chunkify1234
    Splits a vector or cell array into evenly-sized chunks
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  • trainok1
    通过MATLAB软件所建立的CRH2动车的模型。(Established through MATLAB software model CRH2 EMU.)
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  • Matlab
    雅克比(Jacobi)迭代法. 设有n阶方程组. (4.1). 若系数矩阵非奇异,且 (i = 1, 2,…, n),将方程组(4.1)改写成. 然后写成迭代格式 (Jacobi (Jacobi) iterative method. With n-order equations. (4.1) and if non-singular coefficient matrix, and (i = 1, 2, ..., n), the equations (4.1) rewritten and then write into the iterative ...)
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  • GSO and AS
    说明:  在学习优化算法的过程中,为快速了解算法求解过程,整理出这两个算法。通过蚁群算法和萤火虫算法对测试函数进行求解,以图片的形式展示算法迭代过程中蚂蚁或萤火虫的移动过程,了解算法特点。相对而言蚁群算法更快,但不一定能找到最优解。(By learning the optimization algorithm, the two algorithms are sorted out. The ant colony algorithm and the firefly algorithm are used to solve the test function. The moving process of the ant or firefly in the iterative process of the algorithm is shown in the form of pictures. To understand the characteristics of the algorithm, the ant colony algorithm is relatively faster, but it is not necessarily able to find the optimal solution.)
    2019-12-16 11:01:27下载
  • reynolds2
    不考虑压缩的REYNOLDS方程的求解简单程序(Not consider compression REYNOLDS equations simple procedure)
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  • EssentialC
    This ebook contains c ebook
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