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0 个回复

  • c
    c语言课件,适合大一上学期c语言初学者使用。visualc++ 6.0软件环境下运行,c语言为编译语言(c language courseware for freshman last semester c language for beginners. visualc++ 6.0 software operating environment, c language is a compiled language)
    2013-10-21 17:36:41下载
  • lichang
    说明:  基于力场分布的图像处理源程序。包括基于力场的图像分割、边缘检测等。(Distribution of image processing based on force field source. Include force field-based image segmentation, edge detection.)
    2010-04-29 11:46:12下载
  • VC-P-P-and-Matlab-mixed-programming
    实现VC++与Matlab的混合编程,解决这 个问题, 不仅能更好地发挥Matlab 强大的功能, 还能快速地进行软件开发, 尤其是当软件开发中需要实现复杂的数学算法、图形处理时尤为迫切。(The realization of VC++ and Matlab mixed programming, to solve thisA question, not only can play a better Matlab powerful function, can rapidly in software development, especially when the software development need to realize the complex mathematical algorithms, graphics processing is particularly urgent.)
    2012-04-02 19:48:08下载
  • j_9698_sdxxhghgurl
    1、栏目无限分类,自由添加,排序,前台显示 2、各大搜索和站内搜索随意切换 3、网站在线提交、后台审核、编辑、删除 3、站点相关信息后台动态配置 4、自助网站收录,后台审阅 5、网站广告在线发布后台登hh陆:admin/deep_login.asp 用户:admin 密码:admin(1, columns unlimited classification, the Liberal added, scheduling, showed two prospects, major search and random searches Station 3 switching, Site Online submission, background vetting, edit, delete three, site background information related to the allocation of four dynamic, self-help website recorded. 5 background scrutiny, for the advertisement posted online background Teng Lu hh : admin/deep_login.asp Users : admin Password : admin)
    2007-02-02 09:21:14下载
  • C++hao-zi-liao
    大家共享好东西, 尤其是学C++的出血者(share good things, especially learning C bleeding)
    2006-10-30 18:29:27下载
  • GetHostNameIP
    一个有关获取主机名和IP地址的MFC程序,对于初学者来说很有帮助(For information about obtaining a host name and IP address of the MFC, very helpful for beginners)
    2013-08-22 10:58:23下载
  • javasendmail
    用java mail写的邮件发送程序,使用smtp服务可以进行配置java mail using the mail was sent, the use smtp service can be configured(java mail using the mail was sent, the use smtp service can be configured)
    2013-07-19 11:07:34下载
  • knn
    数据挖掘,KNN分类算法源代码,附带源程序,以及实验报告结果分析(data mining,K-Nearest-Neughbor,source code)
    2015-05-12 15:06:00下载
  • LanUsbT1_0918
    一个单文档多视图的MFC程序;把整个窗口拆分为左右对称的6个视图,视图类型包括CListview,CTreeView,CView。这是学习拆分窗口的好例子。并且使用了CListView的virtual模式,可以极大的提高大量数据在列表中的显示速度。(A single multi-view of the MFC documentation procedures the entire window for symmetrical split of the six views, view types include CListview, CTreeView, CView. This is a split window to learn a good example. CListView and the use of the virtual model can greatly improve a large amount of data in the list of display speed.)
    2007-09-18 13:21:32下载
  • idlVC
    IDL和VC混合编程实例,VC6.0调用IDL(IDL and VC mixed programming examples, called IDL VC6.0)
    2007-05-08 16:45:15下载
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