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于 2006-05-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  字母识别源程序,能够对26个字母进行识别,并以A为例做识别演示(source identification letters to the 26 letters identification, and as an example to do a demonstration Recognition)



0 个回复

  • shuangerjinzhi
    双二进制信号是一种信号体制利用码间干扰作为一种控制方式而不是消除码间干扰(Duobinary signaling is a three level signaling scheme that uses intersymbol interference in a controlled way instead of trying to eliminate it. )
    2010-09-26 11:06:37下载
  • freq
    flood frequency analysis for matlab
    2009-06-08 01:10:49下载
  • simu
    说明:  DS-UWB的仿真框图,误码率仿真,脉冲发生器,ook和bpsk调制,以及rake接收等(the simulation graph of DS-UWB,it includes the BER and pulse generation,ook and bpsk modulation and rake receiver.)
    2005-09-17 19:07:50下载
  • EOF
    数据EOF分析,海洋气象常用。将长时间,多空间点数据分解成时间序列和空间序列。进行数据的时空分析。(Used for EOF analyse)
    2013-07-11 15:14:16下载
  • 11111
    应用简正波理论求解下列声场:如下图所示波导模型,上层为均匀水层,其厚度为100m,声速为1500m/s;下层为硬质均匀海底,海面和海底均平整。点声源位于30m深处,辐射声波频率为25Hz,编程计算10m和90m深度上的传播损失,分析其差别。(The normal wave theory is applied to solve the following sound fields: the waveguide model shown in the following figure shows that the upper layer is a uniform water layer with a thickness of 100m and a sound velocity of 1500m/s; the lower layer is a hard uniform seabed with smooth surface and seabed. The point source is located at the depth of 30m and the frequency of radiated sound wave is 25Hz. The propagation loss at the depth of 10m and 90m is calculated by programming, and the difference is analyzed.)
    2018-10-27 11:39:53下载
  • Simulink3
    初级matlab中的simulink学习用书,很好用(Simulink in matlab primary learning books, good with)
    2009-05-10 23:32:33下载
  • spsmd
    图像的平面微分平方和能够反映图像高频分 量的能量。用计算平面微分平方和的方法在空间域上计算相邻像素亮度差值的平方和,对应于在频率域上计算图像高频分量的能量和,此值越大,图像对焦越准确(Differential square image plane and the image can reflect the energy of high frequency. Computational method of Planar Differential squares calculated in the space domain to the square of the difference between the brightness of adjacent pixels and corresponds to the image in the frequency domain calculation of high frequency energy and, this value is larger, the more accurate the image focus)
    2011-01-14 14:25:47下载
  • smoothmusic
    前项平滑技术,是空间普技术中解相干的一种重要方法(former smoothing technology, space technology Pronk decorrelation an important method)
    2007-04-25 16:52:23下载
  • sim
    Buck-Boost电路建模、仿真程序,输出波形有效,效果良好。(Buck-Boost circuit modeling, simulation program, the output waveform is effective to good effect.)
    2013-05-22 22:55:56下载
  • QPSK
    qpsk仿真系统框图,实现四项调制系统仿真实验。(qpsk diagram of simulation system to achieve four modulation system simulation experiments.)
    2009-12-08 15:24:33下载
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