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于 2011-04-27 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  gmm模型下的语音情感识别系统,GMM只是一个数学模型,只是对数据形态的拟和,但是和你所看到的数据分布存在出入也是正常的,因为用EM估计GMM的那些参数时,一般假设我们所得到的数据是不完备的(也就是说假设我们看到的数据分布不是真正的分布,它在运算时把那部分丢失或者叫隐藏的数据“补”上了)(gmm model speech emotion recognition system, GMM is a mathematical model, but fitting the data form, but you can see there is access to the data distribution is normal, because those with the EM estimated GMM parameters, the general assumption we get the data is incomplete (that is, assuming we see the distribution of the data distribution is not real, it is part of the operation at the time that is lost or hidden data is called " fill" on the))





0 个回复

  • yuyinxinhaolianghua
    采用矢量量化对语音信号量化,并与标量量化对比分析,绘制了语音信号的概率密度曲线(The use of vector quantization for speech signal quantization and scalar quantization and comparative analysis, rendering the speech signal probability density curve)
    2009-07-01 16:32:02下载
  • zengqiang
    语音增强算法综述,还可以,基本的谱减法,维纳滤波法都有(Overview of speech enhancement algorithm, can also basic spectral subtraction, Wiener filtering method has)
    2021-05-13 13:30:02下载
  • Roomsim
    根据房间配置信息生成房间传函,进而生成模拟语音数据(Depending on the room configuration generates a room transfer function, thereby generating an analog voice data)
    2016-06-02 18:26:54下载
  • PersonalRecord
    非常实用的java小实例,个人录音,实现了很简单的小功能,对于我们初学者很有帮助哦,拿来分享给大家。(Very practical examples of java small, personal recording, to achieve a very simple little feature, very helpful for us beginners Oh, bring to others.)
    2011-12-06 10:21:11下载
  • Speech-processing
    原创,语音合成matlab程序,可改变一段语音的音调,语速等,实现男声变女声,女声变男声等功能。(The original speech synthesis matlab program can change a voice tone, speed, etc., to achieve male changed Girls, female become male functions.)
    2012-04-01 19:51:05下载
  • dtw
    本资料是自己编写的基于MATLAB语音工具箱的DTW动态时间规整的说话人识别,具有很高的识别率(This information is written in their own voice-based MATLAB toolbox DTW dynamic time warping speaker recognition with high recognition rate)
    2010-03-03 14:34:17下载
  • lms
    程序实现的功能是:一种改进型的LMS算法!具有收敛速度快的特点(Procedures for the realization of the functions are: an improved algorithm of LMS! With the characteristics of fast convergence)
    2008-06-27 16:40:55下载
  • yycl
    提取语音信号的lpc参数并进行时间归整,需要将wav语音文件放在指定目录下‘e:yyzl’(voice signal from the lpc parameters and time consolidation, need to wav sound files on the specified directory 'e : yyzl')
    2006-11-28 12:11:09下载
    这是自己毕业设计做的PCA和LDA的结合,训练和识别别过程都有,用的是ORL库里的图像,具有较高的识别率! (This is a combination of PCA and LDA graduation design, training and do the process of the identification with ORL library of images, has a high recognition rate!)
    2012-07-19 11:21:01下载
  • TextToSpeech
    文字转语音C#源码,利用windows speech.lib 实现文本转语音 可设置rate 保存为wav文件格式。(Text to voice C# source code, using windows speech. lib to achieve text to voice can be set rate saved as WAV file format.)
    2020-06-17 00:40:02下载
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