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于 2011-04-27 发布 文件大小:40KB
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  VC++源程序实现同步网络时间,基于C/S结构,启动服务端程序后,需要在客户端输入服务端的IP地址,然后点击“同步”按钮,如果顺利连接的话,则完成与服务器端的时间同步,注意,本程序并非是连接世界官方时间服务器,比如微软的时间同步服务器、NIST的服务器等,而是用本程序中的服务端来代替了。 (VC++ source code to synchronize network time, based on C/S structure, start the server program, you need the client enter the service side of the IP address, then click the " Sync" button, if successfully connected, then finished with the server time synchronization Note that this procedure is not an official time server connected world, the time synchronization server such as Microsoft, NIST' s servers, but with this program instead of the server.)



0 个回复

  • udp
    说明:  采用udp方式实现的数据传输,简单实用,修改后可以传输文件(Udp achieved by way of data transfer, simple and practical, you can transfer files modified)
    2010-04-08 19:36:13下载
  • QosSvr
    简易TCP通讯服务器端,QosClt为客户端。多个客户端间的通讯需要基于服务器,即通过服务器转发。(Simple TCP communication server, QosClt for the client. Communication between multiple clients need a server-based, that is transmitted through the server.)
    2013-09-09 13:50:32下载
  • QQProject
    说明:  在Internet上的聊天室程序一般都是以服务器提供服务端连接响应,使用者通过客户端程序登录到服务器,就可以与登录在同一服务器上的用户交谈,这是一个面向连接的通信过程。因此,程序要在TCP/IP环境下,实现服务器端和客户端两部分程序。(In Internet chat rooms on the procedure is generally based on the server side connection in response to the provision of services, the user through the client program to log on to the server, you can log in the same server with the user to chat, this is a connection-oriented communication process. Therefore, procedures to TCP/IP environment, the realization of server-side and client procedures in two parts.)
    2008-08-30 00:00:05下载
  • juyuwang
    该程序简单介绍了如何创建局域网的C/S工作模式,简单可靠。(The simple procedure describes how to create LAN C/S mode, simple and reliable.)
    2011-10-14 14:31:59下载
  • change
    用于将网络边关系转换成matlab可用的临近矩阵。(Used to convert the network edge into matlab available close relationship matrix.)
    2013-12-12 16:37:24下载
  • 4
    说明:  理解局域网的定义、特点 了解局域网的介质访问控制方法 了解以太网技术 了解局域网组网类型(Understand the definition of LAN and characteristics about LAN Ethernet media access control approach to understanding the technical understanding of LAN networking types)
    2010-05-26 10:09:58下载
  • jfsky.com-20091210jywxxfsqydm
    局域网消息发送器,请先运行Setup_ocx,注册控件。(LAN messaging device, please run Setup_ocx, registration control.)
    2010-07-01 20:50:50下载
  • Ping
    用C语言实现的ping 功能,经典实现,在VC下调试通过(Ping using C language functions implemented)
    2010-05-10 11:22:03下载
  • Server
    windows网络编程的工程文件和源代码,主要讲iocp模型的用法,实现一个管理系统。(windows network programming project file and source code, mainly about the use of iocp model, implement a management system.)
    2010-12-16 14:44:30下载
  • socketsvc
    用vc6.0实现的强大有界面的sockets通讯程序,可使server端与client端即时通信,需先运行server端。(Vc6.0 achieved using a powerful interface sockets are the communication process, will enable the server-side and client-side real-time communications, the need to run server-side.)
    2007-11-26 08:45:11下载
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