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于 2010-05-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  偏微分方程:matlab实现林石算子扩散去噪算法 (Lin Shi operator to achieve diffusion filtering)



0 个回复

  • DRTOOL_drtoolbox
    matlab 降维工具箱,最新版本。包含各类线性及非线性降维代码,lle,lpp,mvu,isomap,npe等皆在其中。(DRTOOL, by itself, creates a new DRTOOL or raises the existing singleton*. H = DRTOOL returns the handle to a new DRTOOL or the handle to the existing singleton*. DRTOOL( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in DRTOOL.M with the given input arguments. DRTOOL( Property , Value ,...) creates a new DRTOOL or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before drtool_OpeningFunction gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to drtool_OpeningFcn via varargin. *See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)".)
    2012-07-07 19:10:58下载
  • Link-simulation
    连杆仿真GUI,机械专业的毕业设计,可以参考下(The connecting rod of GUI simulation, the graduation design of mechanical major can refer to the next)
    2013-08-18 20:17:25下载
  • CS_Intro_Book
    It is a very good C++ book.
    2014-11-24 04:57:48下载
  • soft
    针对提出的故障信号,利用awgn加噪,对其进行小波软硬阈值降噪,提出一种改进阈值,利用五种自适应阈值函数sqtwolog、rigrsure、heursure、minimaxi和ddencmp中阈值选取原则,对软阈值、硬阈值和改进阈值进行降噪效果对比。(In view of the proposed fault signal, the wavelet soft and hard threshold de-noising is carried out by AWGN adding noise, and an improved threshold is proposed. The threshold selection principle of five adaptive threshold functions, sqtwolog, rigrsure, heursure, minimaxi and ddencmp, is used to compare the soft threshold, hard threshold and threshold value.)
    2021-04-22 20:28:48下载
  • bp
    说明:  implementation of belief propagation algorithm in matlab
    2010-06-03 14:43:46下载
  • weina
    这是一个利用维纳滤波方法进行消噪的MATLAB 程序,器效果比谱减法好在没有尖锐的噪声(it is a delete noise program.it is based on matlab)
    2009-11-30 13:37:43下载
  • mppt
    光伏发电系统MPPT算法,采用的是扰动观察法,做到跟踪最大功率的目的(pv system MPPT Algorithm)
    2012-05-03 09:37:05下载
  • MonteCarloROC
    蒙特卡罗ROC曲线的绘制,包括检测概率,虚警概率等(Monte Carlo ROC curve drawing, including detection probability, false alarm probability and so on)
    2017-07-05 09:24:38下载
    美国UDDS工况matlab模型,用于模拟UDDS工况,对自己设计的模型进行分析(UDDS model of the United States MATLAB, used to simulate the UDDS conditions, the design of their own model analysis)
    2021-03-28 13:49:11下载
  • Matlab6.0imagefunction
    matlab 图像处理函数,所有相关函数应用示例。可作为工具查阅。(matlab image processing function, the function of all relevant application examples. Can be used as tools for access.)
    2009-12-16 13:50:13下载
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