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  用递归迭代法构造多小波基的matlab源码及实现多小波分解2-D图像 [multiwavelet.rar] - 小波变换的MATLAB实现 几个用MATLAB编写的小波变换示例 (multiwavelet.rar]2-D multi-wavelet construction and implementation computation multiwavelet transform an image (BAT O2 multiwavelet transform)



0 个回复

  • bianjiegou
    是关于变结构控制的一个简单实例,其中包括控制函数的选取(on variable structure control a simple examples, including the selection control function)
    2007-04-22 16:32:38下载
  • 1-aplikasi-penjualan
    Yeah I actually fixed it by moving a bunch of stuff to onResume(). There are also a number of other bugs I found in this code posted here (which was based on even buggier code) that I will post as soon as I get them all fixed. The first one that comes to mind is that in the try block it needs to check if c is null. Another one is that there is no error handling for a source going down midstream
    2015-03-27 00:50:12下载
  • Chapter9
    MATLAB混合编程想把matlab强大的功能用在自己的工程实践中吗这是本不错的混合编程的书(Hybrid Programming MATLAB want matlab powerful in their own practice, it works this is a mixture of good programming book)
    2009-01-03 09:03:07下载
  • MatlabEngClass
    在VC++ 6.0环境下调用Matlab引擎进行混合编程,该程序源码展示了Matlab引擎接口的实现。(In VC++ 6.0 environment, call Matlab engine hybrid programming, the program source code shows the Matlab engine interface.)
    2010-09-01 10:14:42下载
  • yunsuanfu
    实验: 有两个个矩阵a和b,均为2行3列。 重载运算符“+”, (1)使之能用于矩阵的相加。如c=a+b。 (2)如果参与运算的两个操作数中一个是整数即矩阵+3或3+矩阵形式,进行加法运算也能得出和。 (3)定义自减运算符的前置(i++)和后置(++i)重载编写相应程序并验证它的正确性。 (i think it s a goog for many people)
    2009-12-28 10:33:54下载
  • Recursive_integer_division
    递归法求解整数划分。 整数划分,是指把一个正整数n写成如下形式: n=m1+m2+…+mi (其中mi为正整数,并且1 <= mi <= n),则{m1,m2,...,mi}为n的一个划分。 如果{m1,m2,...,mi}中的最大值不超过m,即max(m1,m2,...,mi)<=m,则称它属于n的一个m划分。这里我们记n的m划分的个数为f(n,m) (Recursive method integer division. Integer division, refers to a positive integer n written as follows: n = m1+m2+ ...+mi (where mi is a positive integer, and 1 < = mi < = n), then {m1, m2, ..., mi} is a division of n. If {m1, m2, ..., mi} does not exceed the maximum value of m, i.e., max (m1, m2, ..., mi) < = m, m n is said that it belongs to a division. Where m is the number of division n our mind is f (n, m) )
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  • EKF-C-simulation
    扩展卡尔曼滤波程序,C语言仿真。包括卡尔曼滤波简介及其算法实现代码。(EKF simulation)
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  • Desktop
    几个轴承类的matlab文件 里面包含几个实例(Several bearing class matlab file which contains a few examples)
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  • smartfox
    说明:  一个Foxmail的辅助工具 SmartFox ,实现闪存“随身邮”功能,用来解决使用闪存时foxmail不提示已使用帐号的问题。(an auxiliary tool SmartFox achieve flash "Walkman Post" feature, intended to address the use of flash when I have not suggested the use of the account.)
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  • guipoly
    Build a Graphical User Interface to show off * uicontrols.
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