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于 2021-05-13 发布 文件大小:8601KB
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  用visual c++编写的飞机飞行模拟航迹,其中包括VC源代码和模拟飞行图。(Written with visual c++ simulation of aircraft flight tracks, including the VC source code and simulation of flight plans.)



0 个回复

  • miyao
    本文提出了基于二维混沌映射的数字图像水印算法,混沌具有随机性、似噪声及对初始条件的极端敏感性等特点。将经过二维混沌映射置乱后的数字水印信号嵌入图像小波域的低频系数,实现了数字水印的隐蔽性、保密性和稳固性;利用二维混沌映射Arnold变换对水印信号进行置乱,不仅增强了水印信号保密性,同时有效提高了视觉上抵抗图像剪切攻击的能力。(In this paper, two-dimensional chaotic map based on digital image watermarking algorithm, Chaos with random noise and the likelihood of extreme sensitivity to initial conditions and so on. Two-dimensional chaotic map will be scrambling after the digital watermark embedded image signal of the low-frequency coefficients in wavelet domain, the realization of a digital watermark hidden, security and stability the use of two-dimensional chaotic map on Arnold transform scrambling watermark signal, not only enhances the confidentiality of the watermark signal at the same time improve the visual image shear resistance attacks.)
    2009-06-28 10:11:45下载
  • VC++_image_Code
    说明:  VC++6.0图像处理算法集:图象的几何变换、平滑(去噪声)、锐化、腐蚀、膨胀、细化算法、半影调、抖动、直方图修正、彩色变换、腐蚀,膨胀,细化等算法,并有可执行文件供试用,并附有配套电子收,是图像处理入门的好资料。(VC++ 6.0 image processing algorithms: image geometric transformation, smoothing (to noise), sharpening, corrosion, expansion, thinning algorithm, penumbral tune jitter histogram of the amendment, color conversion, corrosion, swelling, refinement algorithm, etc., as well as executable files for trial, together with supporting electronic collection, image processing is a good data entry.)
    2008-11-20 23:20:31下载
  • yixue
    医学图像处理方面的一些基础算法,VC环境下编译的一个非常好的程序框架(Medical image processing, some of the basic algorithm, VC compiled under the framework of a very good program)
    2010-07-08 15:56:34下载
  • 2019DSP实验
    锐化图片 拉普拉斯算法 两种方法 一种是自己写的一种是用了matlab里面自带的函数(ruihua picture Laplace there are two mechof a fi [as fs aflasl;nvb)
    2019-05-28 21:51:24下载
  • Edge-Detection
    边缘检测 Edge Detection Edge Detection(Edge Detection)
    2014-05-08 13:49:15下载
    pdf文件转化为图片.pdf 文件转化为图片VC代码实现。(from pdf to image)
    2012-02-15 22:53:21下载
  • circle
    一个会动得圆,让学习的人更好的了解C++知识,是最基本的知识,学习工程的基本入门。(Will get round a move, so who better to learn about C++ knowledge, is the most basic knowledge, basic engineering study entry.)
    2011-08-17 17:47:38下载
    sift 的c++代码。。。。。。。。。。。。(sift c++ code)
    2012-07-13 18:45:33下载
  • Morph
    用Visual C++实现基于数学形态学的数字图像处理,包括二值图像的腐蚀,膨胀,开,闭,细化及中轴变换等运算.(Visual C++ using mathematical morphology-based digital image processing, including binary image erosion and dilation, opening, closing, thinning, and the central axis transform operations.)
    2011-11-08 16:34:42下载
  • lecture6_eigen_selection
    中科院图像理解与计算机视觉课件6 值得参考一下 some topics on pattern recognition and computer vision(Chinese Academy of Sciences and Computer Vision Image Understanding Courseware 6 worth refer to some topics on pattern recognition and computer vision)
    2008-04-25 21:16:01下载
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