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于 2006-06-08 发布 文件大小:90KB
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  计算方法实验报告: 编程环境:MATLAB7.0 牛顿K次插值多项式的程序实现 龙贝格求积公式的程序实现 高斯列主元消去法的程序实现.(report : Programming Environment : Newton MATLAB7 K polynomial interpolation procedures to achieve Romberg of Quadrature program Gaussian out PCA Elimination of the program.)



0 个回复

  • redar1
    LPI国外的雷达教程上的源程序,可以对照书上讲解进行学习(LPI tutorials on the radar of foreign source, can explain the book to learn the control)
    2010-11-23 19:25:44下载
  • 64qam
    说明:  高斯噪声下的64QAM调制的误码率检测与理论值比较(Gaussian noise 64QAM modulation of the error detection rate compared with the theoretical value)
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  • labvmare1
    虚拟技术 ----vm ware 实验教程(virtual technology-vm ware experimental Guide)
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  • Wind_power_output_estimation
    分析电力系统风电出力数据的状态转移概率。在得到两三年的风电场发电出力数据后,可用该程序分析风电出力的具体变化,以及风电出力在相邻时刻不同状态之间的转移概率。(Analysis of power system wind power output data state transition probabilities. In two or three years to get the wind farm power output data, the program can analyze specific changes in wind power output, as well as wind power output in the adjacent time transition probabilities between different states.)
    2021-04-13 21:48:55下载
  • Shampine-L.F.--Gladwell-I
    Solving ODEs with Matlab:Instructor’s Manual
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  • figueroaj_g4_realidadnacional
    Resolucion guia 4 de Realidad Nacional Ecuatoriana
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  • elevator
    实际的场景,若电梯的最大载客量m=10,设电梯中已有的 客人服从0-10 之间的均匀分布,且电梯中的任意一人在任意一层下的 概率相同,若你在第三层需要乘电梯到第七层,电梯处在第一层,共 8 层。且在每一层等电梯到达他们的目的楼层的客人服从0-3 的均匀分 布此时我们对电梯的运行加一些限 制,即电梯中若有客人未达目的地,电梯不会改变运行方向,求直到 你到达第七层为止,,电梯需停次数的数学期望,并进行计算机模拟验 证。(The actual scene, if the maximum lift capacity m = 10, the elevator has been designed to obey the guests uniformly distributed between 0-10, and the elevator in any one at any level under the same probability, if you The third layer needs to take the elevator to the seventh floor, the elevator in the first layer, a total of 8 layers. And in each level to reach their goals such as the elevator floor guests subject to the uniform distribution of 0-3 at this time we add some restrictions on the operation of the elevator, the elevator if it has not reached the destination guests, the lift will not change the direction, request until you reach the seventh floor so far, the elevator number of mathematical expectation to be stopped, and the computer simulation.)
    2010-11-08 11:30:21下载
  • traditionalRECEIVER
    传统RAKE接收机MATLAB程序,后面我会发改进的(traditional RAKE receiver MATLAB procedure, I will be made to improve the)
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  • New-folder
    it is code dataset for matlab
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    说明:  运用DV-Hop算法实现无线传感器的覆盖;(Use DV-Hop algorithm to achieve wireless sensor coverage;)
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