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于 2011-05-04 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  zig-zag顺序扫描,从而达到实现图片压缩量化编码(zig-zag scan order to achieve the realization of image compression quantization coding)



0 个回复

  • Some_Modulation_Source
    Some Modulation MATLAB Source CODE
    2011-01-03 14:15:33下载
  • 3point-to-circle
    根据所点击选择的三个点,进行自动画圆的程序。(Click to select the three points, the program automatically draw a circle.)
    2012-05-10 20:46:04下载
  • 3285-30367-2-PB
    In most of the approaches of computer-aided detection of breast cancer, one of the preprocessing steps applied to the mammogram is the removal/suppression of pectoral muscle, as its presence within the mammogram may adversely affect the outcome of cancer detection processes. Through this study, we propose an efficient automatic method using the watershed transformation for identifying the pectoral muscle in mediolateral oblique view mammograms. The watershed transformation of the mammogram shows interesting properties that include the appearance of a unique watershed line corresponding to the pectoral muscle edge. In addition to this, it is observed that the pectoral muscle region is oversegmented due to the existence of several catchment basins within the pectoral muscle
    2015-01-20 18:13:30下载
  • jiutan
    数值分析的EULER法,分数阶傅里叶变换计算方面,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权)。( EULER numerical analysis method, Fractional Fourier transform computing, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights).)
    2016-09-26 15:38:13下载
  • penfang
    处理信号的时频分析,混沌的判断指标Lyapunov指数计算,多目标跟踪的粒子滤波器。( When processing a signal frequency analysis, Chaos indicator for Lyapunov index calculation, Multi-target tracking particle filter.)
    2016-11-11 20:27:02下载
  • mianyisuanfa
    通过matlab实现人工免疫算法的源程序,很好用的(Through the realization of artificial immune algorithm matlab source, well used)
    2008-04-28 20:39:27下载
  • toujinchengxiang
    模拟透镜成像过程,分两种:基于传递函数的透镜成像、透镜成像演示(相干传递函数)(Analog lens imaging process in two ways: based on the transfer function of the lens imaging lens imaging demonstrate (coherent transfer function))
    2012-04-28 11:56:09下载
  • A-nonlinear-disturbance-observer-for-Robotics-Man
    paper about disturbance observer
    2012-07-02 15:13:17下载
  • shife_phase_grating
    着光纤光栅的技术的日益成熟,由于其具有插入损耗低,偏振相关性低,尺寸小以及成本低等优势(Fiber grating technology has become more sophisticated, because of its low insertion loss, low polarization dependent, small size and low cost advantage)
    2012-05-26 18:21:28下载
  • DraftPP802.11ac_D2.2
    IEEE 802.11ac 协议草案2012年5月版本。正式版本大概是2014年初才能确定。(IEEE 802.11ac draft version of the agreement in May 2012.)
    2014-01-06 19:11:54下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
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