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于 2013-07-15 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  MUSIC算法,测量三个信号的达到方向角。输入信号可以调整,输入角度也可任意设定。(MUSIC algorithm, measuring three signal reaches direction angle. The input signal can be adjusted, the input angle can be arbitrarily set.)



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  • System_analysis_and_design_based_MATLAB7
    说明:  内容简介 《基于 MATLAB 7.x的系统分析与设计(第2版)——控制系统》 MATLAB的推出得到了各个领域专家学者的广泛关注,其强大的扩展功能为用户提供了强有力的支持。 本书针对应用广泛的控制系统领域,简要介绍了控制系统理论的基本概念和基本方法,详细介绍了由MATLAB提供的控制系统工具箱函数的用法指南,最后以大量的应用示例, 说明了基于MATLAB进行控制系统分析与设计的方法。 本书可作为“自动控制原理”、“控制系统分析与设计”等课程的参考书,对课程学习可起到事半功倍的效果。本书对控制系统领域的教师、研究生、高年级本科生和广大科研人员都有重要的参考价值,对其它领域的科研人员也有一定的借鉴作用。(Introduction "Based on MATLAB 7. x, System Analysis and Design (2nd edition)- Control System " The introduction of MATLAB experts and scholars in various fields has been widespread concern in the expansion of its powerful capabilities to provide users with a powerful Support. This book is widely used control system for the field, briefly introduced the basic concepts of control system theory and basic methods are used, refer Presentations provided by the MATLAB Control System Toolbox functions usage guide, and finally to a large number of application examples to illustrate based on the MATLAB for control system analysis and design methods. This book can be used as "control theory", "Control System Analysis and Design" and other courses of reference books, can play on courses Multiplier effect. Book on control systems in the field of teachers, graduate students, undergraduates and general researchers have re- To the reference value, researchers in other fields also hav)
    2010-05-02 11:47:04下载
  • sin.cos
    产生正弦波 的matlab源程序 小弟第一次做的程序 不知对大家有用吗?(generated sine wave of Matlab source younger the first time in the process we do not know right useful?)
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  • Mathematical-Surface-Analysis
    数学曲面分析 Klein瓶 环形曲面 惠特尼伞形曲面 涡轮型曲面 旋转曲面(Klein bottle mathematical surface analysis Whitney umbrella ring surfaces curved surface turbine type rotary surface)
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  • ColorDetectionByHue
    implementing color detection by using the hue technique
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  • Gabor
    this is a matlab program which code gabor algorithms
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  • wavelet
    对小波X={0,1,...,10}进行一次分解与重构(Of the wavelet X = (0,1 ,..., 10) for a decomposition and reconstruction)
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  • swarm-particle-algorithm
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