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于 2013-07-19 发布 文件大小:48KB
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  用visual basic编译的布谷鸟算法的源代码,是一种很好地启发式智能算法。(Use visual basic compiler cuckoo algorithm source code, is a good heuristic intelligent algorithm. )



0 个回复

  • MM1
    用C++实现排队论中M/M/1模型。简单方便。(Using C++ implementation in the M/M/1 queuing theory model. Easy and convenient.)
    2020-11-16 13:39:41下载
  • Cpp-openlb
    格子boltzmann方法模拟2D圆柱绕流程序 C++程序d2Q9模型(Lattice boltzmann simulation program 2D flow around a cylinder model of C++ program d2Q9)
    2021-04-02 14:19:07下载
  • Spline.h
    三次样条插值c++头文件,一些头文件,非常好(Cubic spline interpolation c++ header files, some header files)
    2020-12-10 15:19:18下载
  • LPA(C)
    复杂网络的结构检测室近几年的研究热点,目前最快的算法是标签传播!(Community detection is hot topic in recent years. The most fast algorithm for community detection is Label Propagation Algorithm(LPA),and this is the program!)
    2021-02-22 16:49:41下载
  • QuartercarJJJ
    通过具有随机结构参数的四分之一车辆模型研究了具有不确定性结构参数的车辆在受到来自道路的随 机激励作用下的振动响应问题。将簧上质量、簧下质量、悬挂阻尼、悬挂刚度以及轮胎刚度均认为是随机变量。将路面的不平整引起的对车辆的激励看作高斯随机过程并通过简单指数功率谱密度来建立力学模型。(By a quarter vehicle model with random parameters studied vehicle structure uncertain structural parameters of the vibration by the random excitation the road response under question. The sprung mass, unsprung mass, suspension damping, suspension stiffness and rigidity of the tire are considered to be random variables. The excitation caused by uneven road vehicle regarded as Gaussian random process and to create a mechanical model of a simple exponential power spectral density.)
    2020-11-02 10:09:53下载
  • EMD
    利用emd算法解决经验模式分解的一些存在的端点效应问题。 有效的解决了问题。(Using emd algorithm to solve some of the empirical mode decomposition end effects exist. Effective solution to the problem.)
    2020-10-19 16:27:25下载
  • brick
    有限元n维实体材料单元,仅供科研用途,拒绝商业使用(N-dimensional finite element solid material element, for scientific purposes, refusing commercial use)
    2013-10-23 14:32:13下载
  • WilsonMethod
    进行结构响应分析的Wilson法,是直接积分的基本算法之一,相信进行有限元动力分析编程的诸位都能用上(structural response analysis of Wilson, which is direct integration one of the basic algorithm, believe that the dynamic finite element analysis program you can use)
    2006-07-09 11:15:54下载
  • test
    随机数的产生,枚举嵌套算法求解一元多次方程。按批量处理。(The generation of random Numbers, nested enumeration algorithm monadic equation according to the batch processing for many times)
    2013-05-18 08:42:15下载
  • jvzhenlianxi
    实现构建矩阵,矩阵的相加,相减,清零,以及转置,还有相乘的功能。(To build matrix, the matrix addition, subtraction, reset, and transposed, and the function of the multiplication. )
    2012-08-22 09:29:57下载
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