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于 2021-04-04 发布 文件大小:9784KB
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  电磁计算中的矩量法的相关理论及技术,含有部分代码,适合初学者学习(Electromagnetic computation method of moments related theory and technology, with part of the code, suitable for beginners to learn)


...\A study of VLF antennas immersed in sea water theoretical, numerical, and experimental results.pdf,1552309,2009-09-05
...\Analysis of prime-focus symmetrical reflector antennas by WIPL code.pdf,120210,2009-09-05
...\Electromagnetic Scattering From Objects Above a Rough Surface Using the Method of Moments With Half-Space Green's Function.pdf,538914,2009-09-05
...\Exact electromagnetic modeling of the scattering of realistic sea surfaces for HFSWR applications.pdf,372271,2009-09-05
...\Formulation of forward-backward method using novel spectral acceleration for the modeling of scattering from impedance rough surfaces.pdf,145112,2009-09-05
...\Forward Radar propagation over a rough sea surface a numerical assessment of the Miller-brown approximation using a horizontally polarized 3-GHz line source.pdf,676388,2009-09-05
...\Numerical study of wide-band low-grazing HF clutter from ocean-like surfaces.pdf,877210,2009-09-05
...\Resonant characteristics of scattered EM field from 2-D underground targets.pdf,85087,2009-09-05
...\Simulated HF Doppler spectra obtained with an exact modeling of the EM backscattering by 3D time-evolving sea surfaces.pdf,216713,2009-09-05
...\Spectral acceleration of the generalized forward-backward method.pdf,338873,2009-09-05
...\Study on GPS scattering at large angle from rough sea surface.pdf,163591,2009-09-05
...\Time statistics of propagation over the ocean surface a numerical study.pdf,215166,2009-09-05



0 个回复

  • ComputerArchitecture4th
    经典原版教材 Computer.Architecture.-.A.Quantitative.Approach.4th.ed.-.J.Hennessy,.D.Patterson.(Elsevier,.2007)(Classic original materials Computer.Architecture .-. A.Quantitative.Approach.4th.ed .-. J. Hennessy,. D. Patterson. (Elsevier, .2007))
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