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于 2006-06-30 发布 文件大小:13KB
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  mapinfo二次开发,用basic开发一个城市规划中的土地和建筑分析(MapInfo second development with the development of a basic urban planning and construction of land analysis)



0 个回复

  • TargetCascading
    目标级联法的一种分解方法及它的求解程序。(An objective decomposition method and its cascading solver.)
    2014-07-01 09:29:46下载
  • SmartMonkey
    说明:  一个monkey test的自动工具,用来进行软件界面的无计划测试(A monkey test of the automated tools used for software interface of unplanned test)
    2008-09-17 16:58:19下载
  • cifafenxi
    用于启动界面的制作,以及对于词法的分析,很实用的东西(Interface used to start production, as well as for lexical analysis, a very practical things)
    2008-08-11 17:19:25下载
  • hun_v61
    车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,包括随机梯度算法,相对梯度算法,wolf 方法计算李雅普诺夫指数。( Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent.)
    2017-05-12 12:13:15下载
  • ahp
    说明:  用EXCEL做的层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP法) (EXCEL to do with AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, referred to as AHP method))
    2009-07-30 23:06:42下载
  • ReadWrite
    说明:  简单的文件读写源码 提供给入门者参考 (Read and write simple documents available to the entry-source reference)
    2008-11-30 00:49:09下载
  • mingriosft
    这是C语言的初级学习的80个小例子,用于初学者的学习(This is the C language of the primary learning 80 small examples for beginners to learn)
    2017-04-14 16:28:56下载
  • POO-Project4
    基于MFC编写的通信录程序,提供登录身份确认,新增、修改、删除信息,基于用户选择隐藏部分信息,尚未实现存储功能,适合学习MFC组件的朋友使用(MFC-based contractor program, provide the login identification, add, modify, delete information based on user choose to hide some information, not yet implemented storage, suitable for learning to use MFC components)
    2011-07-19 21:35:22下载
  • calc24
    C++递归调用,4个整数用四则运算算24(C++ Recursive calls, with four integer arithmetic operator 24)
    2008-06-13 17:44:25下载
  • 汉字区位码查询 ChsQwm 1.01
    这个小软件能帮助你迅速而准确的同时查出1~12个汉字的区位码,并且记录你最近50次的查询记录,使你不再为一个个汉字的区位码而东翻西找。 而且这是一个纯绿色的小软件,你只需将它复制到一个新建的文件夹内,不需要时你只要将这个文件夹删除即可,绝不会在你的系统中留下任何垃圾文件。更重要的是这是一个完全免费的且不需要注册的小软件而已,如果你喜欢你可以将它推荐给任何人。(small software can help you quickly and accurately detect the same time a ~ 12 Chinese characters in an area code, and record your last 50 inquiries record so that you no longer a Chinese characters in an area code and find overturned. But this is a pure small green software, you need to copy it to a new folder, as long as you do not need at this folder can be deleted and will not be in your system to leave any garbage documents. More important is that this is a completely free and does not require registration of small software only, if you like you can recommend it to anyone.)
    2005-08-08 10:47:44下载
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