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于 2006-07-01 发布 文件大小:342KB
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  互信息盲源分离,这基于这么一个事实,混合信号的互信息最小时,意味着信号独立。可以参考有关书籍。在google里面,搜索mutual information blind source separation.即可搜到文章。(mutual information Blind Source Separation, such a fact-based, mixed-signal information in the most hours of each other, mean signal independence. Can reference to the books. Google the inside, Search mutual information blind source separation . that article can be found.)



0 个回复

  • xbj
    通过小波矩提取车牌的特征,绝对可以运行,写了很久啊(License plate by extracting the characteristics of wavelet moment, absolutely can run and write for a long time ah)
    2011-05-19 19:17:40下载
  • toc
    A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. Fourier analysis converts time (or space) to frequency and vice versa an FFT rapidly computes such transformations by factorizing the DFT matrix into a product of sparse (mostly zero) factors.
    2014-09-04 18:56:24下载
  • aquizition_of_pilot_code
    本程序是根据3gpp中tdd协议中的下行导频码的结构构造的导频码捕获的程序,在该程序中针对导频码的结构独创性的提出了加功率窗法的捕获,比普通的方法效率搞 用matlab编的(This procedure is based on 3GPP TDD agreement in the downlink pilot code structure of the pilot code acquisition procedure, in the pilot program code for the structure of original proposed law plus power window capture, than the ordinary efficient method to engage with matlab series)
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  • PNGE
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  • MATLAB--learning
    matlab编程英文课件(来源于老师的课件PPT),内容详细并有程序运行截图,对初学者很有帮助哦。(Matlab programming English courseware (from the teacher s courseware PPT), the content and the program run detailed screenshots, for beginners helpful oh. )
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  • cylinder
    用LBM方法模拟圆柱绕流,模拟的结果和真实的结果很接近,LBM可以很好的模拟圆柱绕流问题(LBM simulation with the flow around a cylinder, the simulation results and actual results are close, LBM can be a good simulation of flow around a cylinder)
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    稳定性求解绘制稳定性lobe图(全离散)(Stability Solving draw stability lobe diagram (fully discrete))
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