首页 » Visual C++ » 213MatlabPC


于 2012-04-02 发布 文件大小:30863KB
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  非常有名的捕食者算法Matlab+C 可进行目标定位(Very well-known predator algorithms Matlab+C)



0 个回复

  • cppmath_ug2b
    Matlab C++ Math Library
    2011-11-14 19:34:34下载
  • SeismoSignal-v4.3.0_build101---
    将加速度积分成速度位移,并且滤波,很好用(Displacement velocity integral of the acceleration and filtering, the good)
    2020-11-11 16:29:44下载
  • your-power
    里面包含两个程序,利用这两个程序你实现对于其他程序的处理。非常实用(Which contains two procedures, the use of these two procedures you implement other programs for processing. Very practical)
    2013-07-21 17:07:39下载
  • Twobu
    两步法求方程的根植,,仅供参考仅供参考仅供参考仅供参考仅供参考(Two-step method for the equation of rooted, for reference purposes only for reference purposes only for reference purposes only)
    2011-09-27 10:43:48下载
  • Basesss2
    FCM code source help you to execute an automatic seglentation using c++ language
    2014-08-30 07:02:29下载
  • newton
    用牛顿迭代法求方程 f(x)=x³ -x² -1=0 在x。=1.5附近的一个实根。取§=0.000001,取最大迭代数为60. (With Newton iteration equation for f (x) = x ³-x ² -1 = 0 in x. = 1.5 near the root of a real. Take § = 0.000001, take the largest number of 60 iterations.)
    2009-06-20 22:57:57下载
  • pwm
    PWM project design 12 volt inverter circiut DIAGRAM
    2013-12-24 19:15:18下载
  • 2010-04-15_Balanced_PSO
    Balanced PSO,可作为benchmark比较(You campare your algorithm with it.)
    2013-09-21 10:22:38下载
  • 6_1
    1. 定义一个抽象学生类CStudent,它具有公有成员函数Average(),该函数用于计算学生的平均分,函数为虚函数;定义一个文科学生类CStudentLiberalArts,它是类CStudent的派生类,并以公有方式派生,它具有的成员有: 1) 保存英语、政治、数学、地理和历史、美术成绩的整形成员变量; 2) 设置上述变量的公有成员函数; 3) 输出上述变量的公有成员函数; 4) 公有的成员函数Average()用于计算学生的平均分; 定义一个理科学生类CStudentScience,它是类CStudent的派生类,并以公有方式派生,它具有的成员为: 1) 保存英语、物理、数学、化学和计算机、程序设计成绩的整形成员变量; 2) 设置上述变量的公有成员函数; 3) 输出上述变量的公有成员函数; 4) 公有的成员函数Average()用于计算学生的平均分; 编写主函数,并测试以下内容: 1) 定义一个CStudent的指针数组pStu,数组长度为4; 2) 动态创建2个文科学生的对象,地址存于pStu数组的0-1个元素内; 3) 动态创建2个理科学生的对象,地址存于pStu数组的2-3个元素内; 4) 利用while循环调用数组里每个元素的计算平均成绩操作; 释放动态分配的空间,确保必要的析构函数能被调用。 (1 define an abstract class student CStudent, it has a public member function Average (), this function is used to calculate the student s average points function as virtual function definition of a liberal arts student class CStudentLiberalArts, it is the class CStudent derived class, and public be derived, which has members are: 1) Save English, shaping member variables politics, mathematics, geography and history, art achievements 2) Set the above variables public member function 3) public member function of the output of the variable 4) public member function Average () is used to calculate the average student s points The definition of a science student class CStudentScience, it is the class CStudent derived class, and public manner derived, which has members as follows: 1) Save English, physics, mathematics, chemistry and computer programming achievement shaping member variables 2) Set the above variables public member function 3) public member function of t)
    2014-10-20 15:29:16下载
  • VC
    说明:  VC与matlab的混合编写程序的COM方法,如何调用COM进行混合编程。(Mixture of VC and matlab programming of COM methods, how to call COM mixed programming.)
    2010-11-30 13:14:57下载
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