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于 2012-04-05 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  计算 Lyapunov 指数, 非常方便,我用过的。(Calculate the Lyapunov exponent)



0 个回复

  • 07
    说明:  实验三、变步长复合Simpson计算,是我的实验报告。(Experiment 3, variable step size calculated composite Simpson is my lab report.)
    2010-06-12 22:00:30下载
  • dea
    这是用来进行数据包络分析的matlab代码。 这是用来进行数据包络分析的matlab代码。(This is used for data envelopment analysis matlab code. This is used for data envelopment analysis matlab code.)
    2013-08-17 21:05:04下载
  • MATLAB7.0
    《MATLAB7.0从入门到精通》对MATLAB 7.0进行了详细的介绍,力求做到细致全面。全书共分为15章。前5章是有关MATLAB的基础知识,包括MATLAB的安装、卸载及系统功能的简述,MATLAB的数学运算和数据可视化工具以及MATLAB的编程等内容。第6章~第9章是MATLAB的高级应用部分,分别介绍了MATLAB 7.0的数据分析和处理功能,符号计算功能,Simulink仿真环境和文件I/O操作。第10章~第12章和第14章介绍了信号处理工具箱、图像处理工具箱和编译工具箱以及应用广泛的高级图形设计。第13章、第15章介绍了MATLAB的外围功能,包括与Word、Excel的混合使用和MATLAB的应用程序接口。附录部分列出了常用命令和函数,Simulink的库模块和应用程序接口函数库。( MATLAB7.0 entry to the proficient on MATLAB 7.0 for a detailed description, and strive to achieve a comprehensive and detailed. The book is divided into 15 chapters. The first five chapters are on MATLAB basics, including MATLAB installation, uninstallation and brief system functions, MATLAB math and data visualization tools, and MATLAB programming and other content. Chapter 6- Chapter 9 is an advanced application part of MATLAB, introduced the data analysis and processing functions in MATLAB 7.0, symbolic computation capabilities, Simulink simulation environment, and file I/O operations. Chapter 10 ~ 12 Chapter 14 describes the Signal Processing Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox and compilation toolkit and widely senior graphic design. Chapter 13, Chapter 15 describes the peripheral functions of MATLAB, including Word, Excel, and MATLAB mixed use application interface. The appendix lists the common commands and functions, Simulink library modules and application program interface l)
    2015-02-02 10:02:00下载
  • 多重分形
    说明:  包含m文件,数据示范格式等,用来计算数列多重分形维数(Including m file, data demonstration format, etc., used to calculate the multifractal dimension of the sequence)
    2020-03-03 20:59:22下载
  • 9927400NonLinerFEM
    说明:  非线性有限元程序,二维, 非常好用的啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(nonliear fem)
    2010-03-21 20:46:10下载
  • camodelintrafficflow
    文章介绍 了交通流元胞自动机模型的产生与发展,总结和评述了国内外各种元胞自动机模型,并对元胞自动机模型的发展提出 展望。 (This paper introduces the establishment and development of cellular automata model of traffic flow, summarizes and comments on different kinds of typical cellular automata models of traffic flow, and furthermore, presents a new perspective for further study of the model· )
    2011-12-24 11:15:48下载
  • matlab
    用MATLAB编写的MM1排队模型,并且带有界面(Designing M/M/1 queueing model by Matlab, also the GUI)
    2020-12-26 08:29:04下载
  • Henon_modified
    a modified version of henon algorithm
    2010-10-11 13:30:25下载
  • BP-ANN
    建立一个BP神经网络。进行训练和测试,数据样本包含在压缩文件中(Build a BP Artificial Neural Networks.Train and test the data in the rar file)
    2012-04-13 15:47:18下载
  • wavelet_entropy
    对文件夹下的EXECL文档进行批量计算,该程序用来计算NeuroSky采集到的raw data脑电数据的小波熵,经过验证得到的结论和别人得到的结论一样(help you to calculate the wavelet entropy, the data is collected from NeuroSky Mindset, it is worth for you to read and understand it.)
    2014-01-17 16:07:47下载
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