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于 2010-05-16 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  添加高斯白噪声子程序 内容虽然很简单,但是很有用哦(Add white Gaussian noise subroutine)



0 个回复

  • HW4
    This mfiles is for optimal control sdsdsdggbcvc
    2010-10-29 16:21:48下载
  • fibonacciSearch
    Fibonacci method is an optimization method which can be used to find optimum of a 1D function (even discrete function) using elimination method. For use this method the initial interval of uncertainty, in which the optimum lies, has to be known. In addition the objective function should be unimodal, which has just an optimum solution in initial interval.
    2012-08-02 16:27:53下载
  • volumemesh
    VOLUMEMESH Creates solid volume metal meshes and their modificitations
    2010-06-21 07:30:24下载
  • gjpfx
    高阶谱分析工具箱 matlab版的 很好用的 希望对大家有帮助(higher order spectral analysis Matlab Toolbox version of the good wishes to be helpful)
    2007-06-12 16:45:54下载
  • length123
    code give you discrete points along the curve
    2010-11-18 07:23:44下载
  • mydata
    基于MATLAB/simulink的永磁同步电机仿真模型.空间失量磁场定向算法222(Based on MATLAB/simulink simulation model of permanent magnet synchronous motor. Spatial loss field oriented algorithms 222)
    2011-01-26 00:17:22下载
  • ACO-master
    从数据学习贝叶斯网络结构的蚁群优化实现 matlab平台下(Ant Colony Optimisation implementation for learning Bayesian Network structures from data)
    2017-06-16 22:00:04下载
  • gapp3
    说明:  利用遗传算法进行二维平面路径规划,全是基础代码,功能可自行添加(Using genetic algorithm for two-dimensional planar path planning)
    2020-05-08 10:42:06下载
  • baoluo
    误差包络的仿真,能够运行出结果。希望对大家有帮助(Error envelope simulation, able to run the result. We want to help)
    2009-11-27 10:44:25下载
  • serial_decode5
    by Usman Haider This blockreceives serial data from an instrument or processor and decode it to apply on a plant model. You can see how serial receive block works and other blocks like ASCII Decode and Data type conversion . After receiving the data and decoding, it is applied to the plant model (transfer function of the plant). You can see the realtime plant response on oscilloscope block. Out put of various stages is recorded in workspace which can be examined after the simulation. The reader can learn interfacing hardware to the simulink by going through settings of serial configuration block and serial receive block. God knows the best.
    2013-04-06 13:29:48下载
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