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于 2012-04-05 发布 文件大小:783KB
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  包含实验一、直流电动机建模及仿真实验 及实验三、考虑结构刚度时的直流电动机-负载建模及仿真实验的程序源码及实验报告(Contains the experimental one, the DC motor modeling and simulation,and the Experiment 3, the DC motor when considering the structural stiffness- load modeling and simulation program source code and experimental reports )



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    说明:  输入一个样值电平,对它进行13折线编码,画出编码波形.(Enter a sample value level, its 13-line code, draw the waveform coding.)
    2010-05-03 13:36:57下载
  • bbbcfv1
    BBBCF 宇宙大爆炸优化算法的matlab源码,一种相对来说比较新的优化方法,用于求解最优解问题(BBBCF iterates one iteration a population according to the rules of Big-Bang Big Crunch method. It overwrites new population over the previous one. As the number of iterations grow, it searches new candidates in alimited search space.)
    2014-02-25 10:32:55下载
  • wav_waterfall_fft
    说明:  对wav file 进行 waterfall fft处理(wav file waterfall FFT)
    2010-04-02 13:31:19下载
  • shuxuejianmo
    对隧道交通建立数学模型,并用matlab求解,得到该模型下隧道的最大车流量。(A mathematical model for tunnel traffic and use matlab to solve, to get the maximum traffic tunnel model.)
    2013-07-14 10:24:20下载
  • ch2
    离散时间信号与时域分析,包括信号及其采样(Discrete-time signal time domain analysis, including signal its sampling)
    2013-02-25 15:12:10下载
  • 伺服文件
    详细介绍了永磁同步电机的控制策略和控制算法。采用的是自抗扰控制算法。(The control strategy and control algorithm of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) are introduced in detail. The auto disturbance rejection control algorithm is used.)
    2020-12-22 21:49:07下载
  • yuan_jiao_cai_ch1
    我自己在学习空时编码一书时编写的第一章的仿真程序,很值地参考(My own space-time coding in the study when one book chapter prepared by the simulation program, it is the value of reference)
    2009-02-28 13:58:08下载
  • MATLABenablement
    数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现。是一本控制应用类MATLAB。(Digital signal processing and MATLAB to achieve. Control applications is a type of MATLAB.)
    2007-11-22 20:46:04下载
  • experiment
    student s experiment majored in automation
    2008-06-16 20:59:42下载
    本文介绍了开放腔的基本原理和数学计算软件MATLAB。从四种基本腔体 模型出发,给出了用MATLAB设计开放腔高频参数计算软件的一般过程和方法, 并开发了开放腔计算分析软件。利用这一软件对四种不同类型开放腔进行了数 值计算分析,并将结果与实验测试和其他文献的计算结果进行了比较。结果表 明,本文的分析计算结果与实验以及文献[1]的分析计算结果有较好的一致性, 而本文提供的用MATLAB进行开放腔高频参数计算的方法简单易用、方便可靠、 计算效率高,是工程设计分析的一种快捷实用的手段。(This article describes the basic principles of open cavity and mathematical computing software MATLAB. Cavity from the four basic models starting with a given frequency open cavity design parameters MATLAB computing software and methods of the general process and the development of the open cavity analysis software. Using this software, four different types of open cavity of a numerical calculation and analysis, and the results with the experimental results and other literature were compared. The results show that the analytical results with experimental and literature [1] of the analytical results are in good agreement, and this provides an open cavity with the MATLAB high-frequency parameter calculation method is simple to use, convenient and reliable, the computational efficiency high, is the engineering design of a quick and practical means. )
    2010-12-24 13:36:03下载
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