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于 2011-05-12 发布 文件大小:1267KB
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  edsion是一个很著名的区域分隔VC程序,这是它对应的matlab实现代码(edsion is a very famous area separated VC program, which is its corresponding implementation code matlab)



0 个回复

  • layerS11
    an example of using matrix to solve S parameter
    2009-06-25 14:20:19下载
  • griddataexam
    说明:  matlab三角插值算法(matlab triangle interpolation algorithm)
    2008-10-02 11:58:02下载
  • naviga120203
    惯导系统simulink仿真,功能设计的比较全面,可以再上面进一步修改。(Simulink simulation of the inertial navigation system, the functional design of a more comprehensive, you can then further modify the above.)
    2012-04-16 21:30:32下载
  • daima
    一共5个代码,其中aufgabe和lms的功能是输入一个脉冲信号,根据不同的系统参数,得出输出信号。 cordic是一个算角度旋转的方法。 gray和graydecode是输入一个数字,对应输出每次只变一位的2进制输出信号。 因为我还是个学生,可能代码比较简单,希望站长谅解,谢谢!我真心希望能够成为该站的一员,学习到有用的知识。(A total of five codes, which aufgabe and lms function is a pulse input signal, depending on the system parameters, derived output signal. cordic is a rotation angle calculation method. gray and graydecode is to enter a number, corresponding to a time become an output of two binary output signals. Because I was a student, you may code for relatively simple hope that owners understand, thank you! I really hope to be a member of the station, to learn useful knowledge.)
    2009-12-07 07:37:10下载
  • EstimationWithApplicationsToTrackingAndNavigation
    这是西交大客座教授美国新奥尔良大学电机系主任、信息融合领域华人带头人李晓榕写的关于跟踪和导航的书,英文版,对于搞控制和滤波的人非常有参考价值(This is a visiting professor at National Chiao Tung University in West Electric Head of the Department of the University of New Orleans, the Chinese leader in the field of information fusion李晓榕write on tracking and navigation of the book, in English, for engaging in the control and filter are very useful)
    2008-06-24 20:30:48下载
  • dea
    说明:  数据包络分析;DEA BBC&CCR MATLAB 多目标决策;多属性决策;(DEA BBC&CCR MATLAB MCDM MADM)
    2021-04-05 22:49:03下载
  • An-Optimal-Fuzzy-PID-Controller
    此文件很好的讲解了模糊PID方面的问题,帮助大家较快的掌握模糊PID.(This file is a good explanation of the problem of fuzzy PID, help faster grasp blurred the PID.)
    2012-08-06 17:27:55下载
  • xiti
    dsp数字信号处理答案 俞一彪版 matlab(digital signal processing)
    2013-03-25 15:03:19下载
  • adapt
    Matlab程序,自适应算法,包括naadapt和naromberg算法(Matlab program, adaptive algorithms, including algorithms naadapt and naromberg)
    2009-06-08 00:20:40下载
  • Beampattern
    说明:  麦克风阵列形成的波束beampattern图形,可调整麦克间距和信号带宽来得到需要的波束图(microphone array beam forming the beampattern graphics, Mike adjustable spacing and the signal bandwidth they need to beam map)
    2005-12-28 09:58:04下载
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