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于 2012-04-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  基于matlab 的图像小波变换,加噪,去噪,增强,重构去噪图像(Based on the matlab image wavelet transform, added a noise, denoising, enhancing, reconstruction image denoising)





0 个回复

  • kalman
    kalman 卡尔曼滤波C代码 用于滤除高斯白噪声的滤波 测试真是可用。(The kalman Kalman filter C code for filtered white Gaussian noise filtering test is really available.)
    2020-12-01 21:09:26下载
  • matlab程序
    小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)是一种新的变换分析方法,它继承和发展了短时傅立叶变换局部化的思想,同时又克服了窗口大小不随频率变化等缺点,能够提供一个随频率改变的"时间-频率"窗口,是进行信号时频分析和处理的理想工具。它的主要特点是通过变换能够充分突出问题某些方面的特征,能对时间(空间)频率的局部化分析,通过伸缩平移运算对信号(函数)逐步进行多尺度细化,最终达到高频处时间细分,低频处频率细分,能自动适应时频信号分析的要求,从而可聚焦到信号的任意细节,解决了Fourier变换的困难问题,成为继Fourier变换以来在科学方法上的重大突破。(Wavelet transform (WT) is a new transform analysis method. It inherits and develops the idea of localization of short-time Fourier transform and overcomes the shortcomings that window size does not vary with frequency. It can provide a frequency-dependent The Time-Frequency window is ideal for time-frequency analysis and processing of signals. Its main feature is that by transforming some features that can fully highlight some aspects of the problem, the localization of the time (space) frequency can be analyzed, and the signal (function) can be gradually and multi-scale refined by the scaling operation, finally reaching the high frequency Time subdivision, frequency subdivision at low frequencies, can automatically adapt to the requirements of time-frequency signal analysis, which can focus on any details of the signal to solve the difficulties of Fourier transform has become a major breakthrough in the scientific method since Fourier transform.)
    2018-03-05 14:32:13下载
  • wavelet
    利用matlab中的小波变换函数,对图像进行小波降噪,并分析降噪效果。(The wavelet transform using matlab function, the image wavelet noise reduction, and analyze the noise reduction effect.)
    2013-07-22 16:17:51下载
  • wavlet_APES_MUSIC_LMS
    小波分析用于图像融合和去噪;APES,MUSIC,LMS算法仿真实例;(Wavelet analysis is used to image fusion and noise;APES,MUSIC,LMS )
    2012-03-28 11:08:00下载
  • nsct_toolbox
    多尺度图像非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)的工具箱,实现代码为Matlab版本。可用于图像的多尺度分析,如图像压缩、图像分割、图像融合和超分辨率等。(Multi-scale image nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) toolbox, code Matlab version. The images can be used for multi-scale analysis, such as image compression, image segmentation, image fusion and super-resolution.)
    2020-09-02 16:58:08下载
  • Jul2012_2DWaveletT
    图像处理中,有关二维离散小波变换的PPT例程,富有参考价值。(Image processing related to the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform PPT routines, full of reference value.)
    2012-07-29 13:01:24下载
  • Wt2
    三次B样条小波变换 希望对大家的学习工作有帮助(Cubic B-spline wavelet transform we study and work)
    2012-06-29 14:14:23下载
  • sound-spectroanalyzer
    基于MATLAB的简易声音信号频谱分析仪设计源码及设计报告。可以实现音频信号的不同频段滤波。(MATLAB simple voice signal spectrum analyzer design source code and design reports. Can achieve a filtering of the different frequency bands of the audio signal.)
    2012-12-16 11:31:25下载
  • transient
    小波变换对电能质量暂态信号的分析和运用,包含电压骤升、骤降等(Wavelet transform for power quality analysis and the use of transient signals, including voltage dips, swells, etc.)
    2013-08-06 11:44:07下载
  • xiaobo
    利用小波变换,通过设置阈值对图像进行去噪。 首先对图像用小波进行2层分解,然后通过设置硬阈值和软阈值的方法,对图像高频部分去噪。(The wavelet transform is used to denoise the image by setting threshold. Firstly, the image is decomposed into 2 layers by wavelet, and then the high frequency part of the image is denoised by setting the hard threshold and the soft threshold.)
    2020-09-14 12:17:56下载
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