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于 2011-05-20 发布 文件大小:2407KB
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  Qt从入门到精通,Qt From Novice to Professional(Qt From Novice to Professional)



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  • 547293
    窗口探测器源码例程,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,实现窗口进程的探测管理。(Window detector source routines, programs combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library that implements the detection process management window .)
    2016-08-27 13:26:57下载
  • 123
    数字变声器可编程男声女声老人儿童,有GUI界面(Programmable Digital Voice Changer Male Female elderly and children, there is a GUI interface)
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  • dianming
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  • B400111@04.18
    当用户单击每个数字按钮时,弹出对应的设置对话框,在此处可以设置用户想启动的程序(或者直接输入文件夹名)以及 文字串. 设定完成后,可以开始或者暂停数字键盘的程序设定功能. 在 KEYMODE 时,当用户按下数字键盘的某个数字键时,程序会模拟用户键盘输入在设置对话框设置的文字串,可以用来 在聊天或者游戏时输入常用的语句,符号等(不建议用户刷屏用),此处可使用 代表回车,既可以一下替用户输入大 段的文字串,打星际的时候可以用它替自己输入类似"show me the money"的密码 在 FUNCMODE 时,当用户按下数字键盘的某个数字键时,程序会启动用户在设置对话框设置的程序,或者打开文件夹,也 可以使用程序预定义的如调节音量,启动浏览器等功能,让没有多媒体键盘的朋友也方便.如果你经常操作多个文件夹, 也可以用这个程序,避免打开多个深的文件夹的麻烦.(When the user clicks on each number button corresponding to the Settings dialog box pops up, here you can set the user wants to start the program (or enter the folder name), and Text string. After setting, can start or pause the program to set the numeric keypad functions. In KEYMODE, when the user presses a number key numeric keypad, the program will simulate user keyboard input in the Settings dialog box to set the text string can be used to Enter the chat or the game commonly used statements, symbols, etc. (refresh is not recommended to use), here you can use n behalf of carriage, both look great for the user input Section of the text string, playing Star when you can use it for their own input like "show me the money" password In FUNCMODE, when the user presses a number key numeric keypad, the program starts the user to set the program in the Settings dialog box, or open the folder, but also You can use the predefined procedure, such as adjust the volume, start the )
    2011-09-03 20:59:07下载
  • simplerecord
    VB实现的录音机程序,有一个简单的界面可实现对录音的控制,在录音完毕后可播放试听录音,变量定义:   Dim Time_Start 定义变量存储开始计时的时间   Dim Time_Lenth 定义变量存储Slider1控件的最大值   Dim MyTime 定义变量存储已经录制的时间   更多请参阅源代码。(VB realize recorder program has a simple interface that enables control of the recording, after recording can be played in the audition recording, variable definition: Dim Time_Start define a variable to store the timing of the start time Dim Dim Time_Lenth define variables to store the maximum control Slider1 MyTime defined variable storage has recorded more time, please refer to the source code.)
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