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  Visual.C++编程技巧精选500例随书附盘 第1章 消息框 1.消息框设置演示 第2章 常用控件 13.如何使用picturebox 控件浏览多种格式的图像? 12.如何使listcontrol控件支持整栏选择? 11.如何在列表框中自动装载磁盘文件列表? 10.如何显示载有richedit 控件的对话框? 9.如何限制编辑控件输入的字符类型? 8.如何在程序窗口中创建按钮控件? 7.按钮设置演示 6.如何使用滚动条控件? 5.如何使用进度条控件? 4.如何使用列表控件? 3.如何使用树形控件? 2.如何使用标签控件? 1.如何使用滑块控件? 第3章 通用对话框 8.如何在程序启动时弹出文件打开对话框? 7.如何在文件对话框中预览位图文件? 6.文件对话框文件夹操作演示 5.文件对话框使用演示 4.如何使用查找与替换对话框? 3.如何使用页面设置对话框? 2.如何使用颜色对话框? 1.如何使用字体对话框? 第4章 标题栏与菜单栏 26.如何在子菜单中记录历史文件? 25.如何确定顶层菜单所占的行数? 24.如何取消对菜单状态的限制? 23.如何取消应用程序菜单栏? 22.如何获取菜单栏高度? 21.如何在对话框类型的应用程序中加载菜单? 20.如何设计自定义快捷菜单? 19.如何创建一个弹出式菜单? 18.如何触发一个菜(Visual.C programming skills selected 500 cases with Disks Chapter 1 of a news box. Speech news box set Chapter 2 of said common control 13. how to use the picturebox control View Multi-Format Image? 12. How listcontrol Control supportive of the whole column choice? 11. How the list box automatically loading disk document lists? 10. How to show contains dialog richedit controls? 9. How to restrict the importation of editorial control character type? 8. How to create window control buttons? 7. Button to display six. How to use the scroll controls? 5. How to use the progress of control? 4. How to use control list? 3. How to use tree controls? 2. How to use the label control? 1. How to use slider controls? Chapter 3 common dialog 8. How commencement of the proceedings while the document open d)





0 个回复

  • ex06_1
    在基于对话框的程序中,默认是没有这个消息的,按下Ctrl+W,弹出类向导对话框,选择Class Info标签(Basic implementation of a drop source is relatively simple. The first step is to determine what events begin a drag operation.)
    2013-11-22 16:15:09下载
  • filepath_mfc
    MFC中获得文件夹路径的方法,文中有源码有讲解,并在VC++6.0下运行通过。(MFC get the folder path method source code is explained in the text, and in the VC++6.0 run through.)
    2013-09-06 13:35:43下载
  • Prop
    逃跑按钮的巧妙实现。如何制作属性页对话框和向导对话框,融合讲解组合框(如何调整组合框的大小)、列表框、单选按钮、复选按钮等常用对话框控件的多种使用方法。(Clever implementation escape button. How to make a property page dialog box and the wizard dialog box, combo box integration to explain (how to adjust the size of the combo box), list boxes, radio buttons, check buttons, etc. a variety of common dialog control to use.)
    2009-12-06 16:01:48下载
  • Coordinate3
    VC++ MFC绘制坐标系,串口通信,绘制曲线,有注释,基于MFC的dialogbased工程,关键词:MSCOM控件,CDC绘图,坐标系绘制,日期显示,动态显示曲线(VC++ MFC drawing coordinate system, serial communication, drawing curves, with notes, based on MFC' s dialogbased works Keywords: MSCOM control, CDC Graphics, coordinate system to plot, date display, dynamic display curve)
    2010-07-26 16:07:14下载
  • CustomDialog
    改变对话框的底色,分为无模式对话框和有模式对话框(To change the background color of the dialog box is divided into non-modal dialog and modal dialog)
    2010-01-18 21:25:08下载
  • ShortCut
    创建桌面快捷方式和活动桌面,功能强大,可以实现快捷方式和活动桌面。(Create a desktop shortcut and Active Desktop, powerful, can achieve the desktop shortcuts and activities.)
    2013-08-12 11:08:06下载
  • shjt
    vb中调用API函数执行其它程序,关闭外部程序,汉字查区位码,不错(Vb call API function to perform other procedures, shut off the external program, Chinese characters to check the location code, good)
    2017-04-27 10:14:04下载
  • 12_22
    窗口编程,里面有三分代码,详细的公司管理系统,数据库和MFC设计(is is goog very good)
    2011-12-27 20:42:53下载
  • MyWord
    基于mfc的字处理demo,有基本的增删改操作,文件的新建删除,用于理解文档视图框架(New delete mfc-based word processor demo basic CRUD operations, file for understanding document view framework)
    2013-01-14 09:55:50下载
    是用自己名字命名的基于对话框MFC程序,实现的功能主要是VC++实验6里面的思考题。有复选框,有下拉列表,有输出对话框。(With their own name dialog-based MFC program' s main function is to VC++ inside Experiment 6 Questions. There are checkboxes, pull-down list, there is an output dialog.)
    2014-01-02 19:30:35下载
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