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于 2010-05-28 发布 文件大小:2KB
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   用VB设计的一个求两数的最大公约数和最小公倍数的程序。(VB design with a number seeking the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two procedures.)



0 个回复

  • pxompt
    基于局域网通信的聊天代码,可以实现自动弹出消息提示(The chat code based on LAN communication, can realize the automatic pop-up message prompt)
    2018-11-29 18:48:09下载
  • BigEndianOrLittleEndian
    该代码用于判断一个处理器是大端模式还是小端模式(The codes are used to distinguish if a CPU is a big-endian mode or little-endian mode.)
    2012-12-07 10:05:11下载
  • arma_analyse-and-forecast
    1、时间序列的ARMA(自回归移动平均)算法代码实现; 2、能用于平稳时序的分析和预测; 3、使用C/C++开发。(1、The codes relization of timeseries arma forecast method 2、Be used in analyzing and forecast in timeseries 3、Be developed by C/C++ tool.)
    2021-04-29 11:08:43下载
  • stack
    说明:  实验题目:5.1 基于顺序栈的括号匹配程序设计验证 一、实验目的 1. 掌握栈的顺序存储结构; 2. 掌握栈的操作特性; 3. 掌握基于顺序栈的基本操作的实现方法。 二、实验内容 1. 实现顺序栈的成员函数; 2. 基于顺序栈的括号匹配程序设计验证。 实验题目:5.2 基于链式栈的表达式的计算程序设计验证 一、实验目的 1. 掌握栈的链式存储结构; 2. 掌握栈的操作特性; 3. 掌握基于链式栈的基本操作的实现方法。 二、实验内容 1. 实现链式栈的成员函数; 2. 基于链式栈的表达式的计算程序设计。 (Experiment Title: 5.1 Based on the order of the stack in parentheses matching program design verification 1, experimental purposes 1. To master the order of the stack storage structure 2. Master stack operating characteristic 3. To master the basic operation of stack based on the order of the realization method. Second, experimental content 1. To achieve the order of the stack member function 2. Based on the order of the stack in parentheses matching program design verification. Experiment Title: 5.2 Based on the expression stack chain calculation program design verification 1, experimental purposes 1. Master stack chain storage structure 2. Master stack operating characteristic 3. To master the basic operation of stack-based chain implementations. Second, experimental content 1. To achieve chain stack member function 2. Based on the calculation of the expression stack chain programming)
    2010-03-25 18:33:30下载
  • VBgame
    一个用VB编写的抽奖软件,非常实用。很适合初学者看。(A lottery software written in VB, very practical. Very suitable for beginners to see.)
    2012-03-12 07:33:19下载
  • sports1
    用于运动会的统计.分数,那女子参赛情况的记录统计.(Statistics for the Games. Scores, and that the situation of the women)
    2008-05-14 12:42:04下载
  • chengxu
    编写一个函数,要求输入年月日时分秒, 输出该年月日时分秒的下一秒。 如输入2011年12月31日23时59分59秒, 则输出2012年1月1日0时0分0秒。 需要考虑闰年 和 2月的特殊情况 (Write a function that requires input date, hour, minute and second outputs of the date when the next second. If the input at 23:59:59 on December 31st, 2011, output at 0:00:00 on January 1, 2012. Leap year and February need to consider the special case)
    2013-05-28 13:06:03下载
  • DS
    说明:  GPS导航系统,控制台程序,内附操作说明(GPS navigation systems, operating instructions included)
    2010-03-05 20:42:59下载
  • GPIBUtility
    GPIButility是ADLINK公司的GPIB驱动所带的工具软件,可以自动获得所有GPIB设备信息并可作相应的各项参数设置。(ADLINK' s GPIButility is brought GPIB driver software tool that can automatically access to all GPIB device information and can set the parameters accordingly.)
    2009-09-11 08:52:32下载
  • dll_VB60_TimeAttendanceRutine
    Using FKAttend.dll and FKViaDev.dll for Time Atendance Systems, Aplication for read and write Fingerprint attendance
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