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于 2010-05-28 发布 文件大小:17KB
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  通过matlab编程对cdma2000建立仿真模型并进行仿真(Matlab programming through the establishment of the cdma2000 simulation model and simulation)



0 个回复

  • SiMatlabBasicOFDM
    Simulink Matlab Basic OFDM
    2009-06-28 03:00:59下载
  • PLS_Manual_4
    PLS toolbox V.4 manual (under matlab)
    2014-01-31 17:07:22下载
  • ind2rgb
    说明:  将索引图像图像转换为RGB图像,输入包括图像矩阵和颜色图数组(The index image image image converted to RGB input, including an array of image matrix and color map)
    2010-04-26 20:39:33下载
  • 6787-14807-1-PB
    A Novel Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Concatenated Dictionary This paper presents a novel method for image reconstruction, which decomposites the image by concatenating a redundant dictionary of several bases and then reconstruct the image efficiently by means of Matching Pursuit algorithm. The proposed method constructs the concatenated dictionary with cosine bases, wavelet bases and contourlet bases, which will lead to a better approximation of the original image. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can greatly reduce the computational complexity and generate a better reconstruction effect compared with previous methods.(A Novel Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Concatenated Dictionary This paper presents a novel method for image reconstruction, which decomposites the image by concatenating a redundant dictionary of several bases and then reconstruct the image efficiently by means of Matching Pursuit algorithm. The proposed method constructs the concatenated dictionary with cosine bases, wavelet bases and contourlet bases, which will lead to a better approximation of the original image. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can greatly reduce the computational complexity and generate a better reconstruction effect compared with previous methods.)
    2013-11-24 21:37:52下载
  • ClusteringCode
    输入邻接矩阵,该matlab算法输出连通子图结果,对赋权图,可通过设置权值阈值,将原图根据该阈值分为若干子图。(Adjacency matrix input, the output of the algorithm matlab connected subgraphs result, the weighted graph, by setting the weight threshold, based on the original image is divided into several sub-threshold map.)
    2016-06-30 03:28:46下载
  • zad2
    add2.Model of the control system modeled in Simulink
    2010-12-04 03:57:05下载
  • moshishibie
    贝叶斯分类估计和最大似然估计的matlab编程(it is used to make the bayesis guji and the mle.it is very convenient for homework)
    2013-11-08 14:46:17下载
  • TCExt
    In many applications, such as biomedical engineering, it is often required to obtain specific periodic source signals. In this paper, we propose a two-stage based approach for extracting periodic signals. At the first stage, the autocorrelation property of the desired source signal is exploited to roughly extract the desired source signal. At the second stage, the extracted signal is further processed as cleanly as possible, based on the higher-order statistics. Simulations on artificially generated data and real-world ECG data have showed its better performance, compared with many existing extraction algorithms.
    2015-03-01 17:54:29下载
  • TSP
    Matlab 应用,基于最近相邻节点的旅行商问题解决模式(Nearest Neighbor algorithm ,for the Travelling Salesman Problem)
    2014-01-10 14:52:48下载
  • huffman
    2010-09-20 16:26:53下载
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