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于 2021-03-04 发布 文件大小:90KB
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  B样条程序包,可以绘制各阶B样条基函数及曲线。(you can get arbitrary degree b spline curves by using it.)



0 个回复

  • DC_motor_control_fuzzy
    fuzzy logic control of speed DC Motor
    2012-06-29 07:53:05下载
  • ls
    说明:  用LS算法实现共512个数据的预测,并得到误差平方的仿真图(LS algorithm with a total of 512 data, forecasts, and get squared error of the simulation diagram)
    2009-12-01 02:13:53下载
  • perimeterqueenbeeproblem
    a perimater time ca for quen bee problem
    2010-01-26 03:09:52下载
  • rsa
    非线性材料反饱和吸收理论拟合,可以给出材料的非线性吸收Z扫描曲线(theoretical fit to reverse saturable absorption)
    2012-03-23 11:21:04下载
  • cs48
    说明:  语音识别全过程的matlab程序,运行测试能出结果,希望对你们有用,实在没点数才把自己压箱底的东西拿出来,呜呜(The whole process of speech recognition matlab program, run the test to the result, I hope helpful for you, only then it did not point out what their own bottom pressure, the hum)
    2011-03-08 11:27:51下载
  • ber_ofdm_with_amplifier
    BER verses SNR in ofdm with amplifier: The BER performances of OFDM systems over the AWGN channel are given by the BER where N=512. We see that SNR required for BER=10-3 No channel coding scheme is adopted. Therefore, BER is a bit higher. The results with 16 QAM show that the required Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for BER=10-2 is almost the same. This is because the noise is the dominant.
    2013-05-02 01:52:46下载
  • HHT
    HHT实现的程序,包括EMD/EEMD,计算瞬时频率,统计重要性(HHT implementation procedures, including EMD/EEMD, calculating the instantaneous frequency, statistical significance)
    2010-12-27 19:40:47下载
  • phillips
    说明:  这是一个信赖域方法的程序,简单实用,对初学者非常有用。(This is a trust region method procedures, simple, practical, very useful for beginners. )
    2011-03-24 12:15:36下载
  • dongtaigz
    基于背景差法的动态目标检测的代码 希望对大家有用(Difference method based on the background of the dynamic target detection code for all of us hope that useful)
    2009-04-21 16:58:44下载
  • UseCImplementOOP
    如何用C实现OOP的特性,有趣吧。这本英文书给出细节,对于深入理解C和OOP的特性区别非常有帮助。当然读者必须有比较深的编程经验,初学者或一般程度者慎入!(How to OOP with C to achieve the characteristics of interesting. This book gives details of the English, for in-depth understanding of the characteristics of differences between C and OOP very helpful. Of course, the reader must have a relatively deep programming experience, beginners or general level by Shen Ru!)
    2010-12-16 15:40:56下载
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