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于 2011-06-10 发布 文件大小:907KB
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  i wanna to find the error in this code



0 个回复

  • mdijkstra
    寻找最短路径的程序,希望对大家有用,谢谢!主要是为了完成注册(Finds all pair shortest path.)
    2009-03-31 11:13:13下载
  • huffman_docs
    huffencode编码,哈罚担罚的萨法多发(huffencode encode)
    2009-05-09 10:19:48下载
  • Convex
    Non-Convex Optimization
    2010-02-07 22:41:46下载
  • mlpoto
    mathlab camera gui to detect camera in mathlab
    2011-06-05 04:14:29下载
  • C-Kalman
    卡拉曼滤波器的c语言实现!非常好!很可以初学者使用!(Karaman filter c language! Very good!)
    2011-10-21 15:59:29下载
  • MATLAB-Code-Generation
    在MATLAB环境下生成C2000代码,以一个电力电子控制实例为说明。(Code Generation in MATLAB)
    2013-05-23 16:04:12下载
  • cepin
    利用MATLAB实现雷达对抗技术中折叠信道化接收机测频的仿真(Using MATLAB Radar technology folding against channelized receiver Frequency Measurement Simulation)
    2016-07-17 14:47:54下载
  • mandelbrot
    This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1 - 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. (This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1- 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. )
    2010-02-17 07:21:59下载
  • fem.2.1
    说明:  五点差分型多重网格方法:各种插值算子的比较)(Five-point difference-type multi-grid methods: a variety of interpolation operator of comparison))
    2008-12-07 21:18:44下载
  • lab2
    Digital Signal Processing Charles Darwin University Lab2
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