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于 2011-06-10 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  Matlab source code for kalman filter



0 个回复

  • wmlgf
    此文件是弹性地基梁计算程序。可通过输入梁与荷载的初始参数,计算弹性地基梁的内力、位移、反力分布。(This paper Xi River rudder is the Laos regulatory ?у Ban Tian the bake ? Cong $ Cheng Fu example, Shi. Efficiency Chi Adoption Input percent and Ya drilling crazy poured Fei Fan Wai-Pu example, parameters to help Rencong calculation Laos regulatory ?he у Pannuo bake ? the Fei Fanqiang E ?certificate Xian hand crepe Meeting ?Huoshe Mechanics distribution Kou ?
    2021-03-02 00:49:34下载
  • nb-ldpcDECODE-16QAM
    非二进制软译码很实用要学非二进制LDPC的同学可以参考一下(NB-LDPC decode)
    2013-11-14 21:18:52下载
  • OFDM
    该程序简单的仿真了OFDM系统,包括信号的产生,映射,调制,加噪,解调(The program is simple simulation of the OFDM system, including signal generation, mapping, modulation, noise, demodulation)
    2013-05-26 23:51:03下载
  • FastICA_21
    说明:  fastica实测数据,可以做数据的预处理,保留有用信号,滤除噪声(FastICA measured data, can do data preprocessing, retain useful signal, filter noise)
    2021-01-17 10:01:26下载
  • jiqiren
    首先介绍了VC ++ 6. 0 ,OpenGL 和MATLAB 6. 0 三种软件各自特点 其次在各自特点的基础上,建立了 基于三者相结合的自由飞行空间机器人仿真试验平台 最后以建立自由飞行空间机器人的运动仿真系统为例, 说明了该试验平台的优越性和有效性。(First introduced the VC++ 6. 0, OpenGL and MATLAB 6. 0 followed by three features of the software in their respective characteristics on the basis of the three based on a combination of free-flying space robot simulation platform in order to establish the final free-flying space robot movement simulation system as an example to show the superiority of the test platform and effectiveness.)
    2008-05-15 23:44:52下载
  • data-mining
    数据挖掘 《机器学习与数据挖掘:方法与应用》,朱明等译,电子工业出版社(data mining conclude Classification,Estimation,Prediction,Affinity grouping or association rules,Clustering,Description and Visualization,Text, Web ,et al)
    2011-05-02 18:42:05下载
  • rms
    twinkle twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are. up above the world so high. like a diamond in the sky.
    2010-05-12 16:11:36下载
  • RS232dev6.5-1.2.2
    基于matlab/simulink 编写RS232串口调试软件(to write the RS232 serial communication program by matlab/simulink.)
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  • AMI
    用matlab编程实现数字传输码型的仿真,包括单双极性归零,不归零,HDB3等(Digital transmission code simulation using matlab programming, including single and double polarity zero, not zero, HDB3, etc.)
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  • jenfing_v74
    计算时间和二维直方图,用谱方法计算流体力学一些流动现象的整体稳定性,计算一维光子晶体的透射特性和反射特性。( Computing time and two-dimensional histogram, Spectral methods of computational fluid dynamics flow of some of the overall stability of the phenomenon, Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic)
    2016-05-13 14:55:46下载
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