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于 2012-05-07 发布 文件大小:744KB
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  this file about turbine modeling



0 个回复

  • wangweiwei9808103e
    这是一个用matlba实现双声道和单声道的录音器的程序(Dual-channel and single channel recording device)
    2010-06-06 19:17:45下载
  • matlabdigitalsignals
    数字信号处理相关源代码,有用的代码。是初学者的好帮手(Digital signal processing related to source code, useful code. Is a good helper for beginners)
    2009-05-19 21:54:22下载
  • intprog
    通过分支定界法计算线性规划、整数规划,效果较好。(To calculate integer programming, branch and bound method is better.)
    2013-04-25 22:21:34下载
  • 非线性整数规划的遗传算法Matlab
    说明:  通常,非线性整数规划是一个具有指数复杂度的NP问题,如果约束较为复杂,Matlab优化工具箱和一些优化软件比如lingo等,常常无法应用,即使能应用也不能给出一个较为令人满意的解。这时就需要针对问题设计专门的优化算法。下面举一个遗传算法应用于非线性整数规划的编程实例,供大家参考!(Generally, nonlinear integer programming is a NP problem with exponential complexity. If the constraints are more complex, MATLAB optimization toolbox and some optimization software such as lingo are often unable to be applied, even if they can be applied, they cannot give a satisfactory solution. At this time, we need to design a special optimization algorithm for the problem. Here is an example of genetic algorithm applied to nonlinear integer programming, for your reference!)
    2020-04-11 20:04:13下载
  • 微电网电源的虚拟惯性频率控制策略_杜威
    说明:  微电网的提出旨在实现分布式电源的灵活、高效应用,解决数量庞大、形式多样的分布式电源并网问题 。 开发和延伸微电网能够充分促进分布式电源与可再生能源的大规模接入,实现对负荷多种能源形式的高可靠供给,是实现主动式配电网的一种有效方式,使传统电网向智能电网过渡。(The purpose of micro grid is to realize the flexible and efficient application of distributed power, and to solve the problem of large number and various forms of distributed power grid connection. The development and extension of micro grid can fully promote the large-scale access of distributed power and renewable energy, and realize the high reliable supply of various energy forms of load. It is an effective way to realize the active distribution network, and make the traditional power grid transition to the smart grid.)
    2020-06-22 10:56:31下载
  • matlab_cpp
    Solving Engineering Problems Using MATLAB C++ Math Library Introduction In the previous article, we studied how can use MATLAB C API to solve engineering problems. In this article I will show you how can use MATLAB C++ math library. The MATLAB® C++ Math Library serves two separate constituencies: MATLAB programmers seeking more speed or complete independence from interpreted MATLAB, and C++ programmers who need a fast, easy-to-use matrix math library. To each, it offers distinct advantages.
    2007-11-05 15:06:09下载
  • fuzzy
    matlab source code for neutral fuzzy system
    2013-04-12 03:26:44下载
  • Siclab-Game
    实现拼图游戏功能,锻炼智力,供学习开发,了解另一种开发工具!(The realization of jigsaw puzzle function, mental exercise for the study and development, to understand another development tool!)
    2007-12-15 10:02:55下载
  • jianbianjiaozheng
    载入标定工具箱标定的相机参数结果对图像进行畸变校正(Loading the camera calibration results to distort the image )
    2012-03-25 22:20:56下载
  • hans
    MATLAB6.5辅助小波分析与应用.pdf,很好的小波教材(MATLAB6.5 assisted with the application of wavelet analysis. Pdf, good teaching wavelet)
    2007-06-08 01:31:44下载
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