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于 2007-03-10 发布 文件大小:624KB
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  本文主要叙述的是利用MATLAB软件实现图像的几何操作。利用imresize() imrotate() imcrop() 等函数实现图像的缩放,选转,剪切。 在对图像的几种几何操作中,图像的缩放和旋转都要用到插值操作。(This paper describes the use of MATLAB software images of geometric operations. Use imresize () imrotate () imcrop () Function Image Scaling , elected to the shear. In the image of several geometric operation, image scaling and rotation should be used interpolation operation.)



0 个回复

  • matlabebook
    数学工具软件Matlab的学习资料,内容十分详尽,是初学者的实用参考资料。(Matlab mathematical tools of learning materials, the content is very detailed, useful references for beginners.)
    2010-10-31 17:33:34下载
    bragg reflection computation
    2009-11-21 06:53:18下载
  • peng_inpainting
    一个基于matlab视频修复程序,可作为实验或是学习的参考。(A code for video inpaiting based on matlab ,and it can be used as the reference of the experiment or study. )
    2012-04-19 20:26:27下载
  • softing_platform
    The bit modifying instructions on SH-2A are only capable of working with a 3-bit immediate, which signifies the shift position for the bit being worked on.
    2014-09-08 22:56:21下载
  • chpt4_25a
    The probability that a hand-off occurs as a function of the distance between the mobile & its serving base station. result is plotted in probability of had off Vs distance d!
    2013-10-07 22:54:28下载
  • m
    说明:  数字通信中,对面对判决环和非面对判决环的相位估计的仿真,调制方式采用QPAK调制方式。(Digital communication for non-face to face judgment ring and phase estimation of judgment ring simulation, modulation using QPAK modulation.)
    2014-12-25 10:46:29下载
  • more-GUI-parameters-communication
    目的:实现多gui间的通信。 1. 由gui1打开gui2,并从gui2读取数据画图; 2. 数据包的传递:在gui1定义一个数据包,包括字符串,数据,把数据包传递给gui2并由其更新,gui2更新好的数据在传回gui1并显示出来。(注:程序中加黑划线部分为实现预期功能的要点) (Purpose: communication gui. Method: 1. Opened by gui1 gui2, and to read data from gui2 drawing (2) the transfer of the packet: a packet defined in gui1, including strings, data packets passed to gui2 updated by gui2 the updated data in the returned gui1 and displayed. (Note: the program plus the the black underlined part to achieve the desired functionality of the points))
    2013-04-26 10:52:55下载
  • 157
    Encryption algorithms are becoming more necessary to ensure data is securely transmitted over insecure communication channels. FOX is a recently developed algorithm and its structure is based on the already proven IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) cipher. FOX is a symmetric (private key) block cipher. Its top-level structure uses the Lai-Massey scheme and the round functions used in the scheme are substitution permutation networks (SPN). Its flexibility lies in the fact that it can be efficiently implemented in hardware and software. We report some of the first results of implementing the cipher on an FPGA
    2009-10-21 23:33:01下载
  • BLDC
    直流無刷馬達分析模擬,包含力矩以及轉速控制(BLDC MOTOR SIMULATION)
    2012-05-03 01:44:19下载
  • ICAim
    独立成分分析程序,实现独立成分分析的函数,可以再matlab中直接调用(Independent component analysis, independent component analysis functions directly call can matlab)
    2013-01-12 23:15:11下载
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