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于 2011-06-22 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  his example illustrates the Ideal Switching device solution method of the Powergui block



0 个回复

  • modifiedleach
    We have modified the leach algorithm to introduce effi cient cluster head replacement scheme and dual transmitting power levels
    2014-08-25 18:18:34下载
  • matlabkejianjimwenjian
    matlab的上课课件以及全部m文件,希望大家下载学习。(class courseware, and all the matlab m file, I hope you download the study.)
    2011-11-23 14:10:16下载
  • startup
    wavelet signal processing
    2013-04-30 15:01:27下载
  • bpfenlei
    matlab算法,用bp网络进行训练,然后进行分类的一种算法,很成功(matlab algorithm, using bp network training, followed by a classification algorithm, very successful)
    2015-04-06 12:32:05下载
  • Kalmanfilter
    说明:  该算法用于卡尔曼初学者入门使用,该程序给你提供一个良好的使用卡尔曼的方法和步骤,让你轻轻松松成为卡尔曼滤波高手!(The algorithm used for the Kalman beginners started, the program to provide you with a good use of Kalman' s methods and procedures, so that you easily become a Kalman filtering expert!)
    2010-04-26 16:42:54下载
  • signal-and-system-toolbox
    信号与系统软件实验工具箱,本系统包括七个实验,分别是:信号的时域基本运算、连续信号的卷积与连续时间系统的时域分析、离散信号的卷积与离散时间系统的时域分析、信号的频域分析、连续信号的采样与恢复、系统的频域分析、信号的幅度调制与解调。为了加强学生的计算机编程能力和应用能力,所有实验均提供设计性实验内容,让学生参与编程。本系统既可作为教师教学的实验演示,又可作为学生动手实验的实验系统。(Signals and Systems Software experimental toolbox, the system includes seven experiments, namely: basic operations signals in time domain, the convolution of continuous signals and continuous-time system time domain analysis, convolution of discrete signals and discrete-time systems when domain analysis, frequency domain signal analysis, continuous signal sampling and recovery, system frequency domain analysis, signal amplitude modulation and demodulation. In order to strengthen the student s computer programming skills and ability to provide all the experiments were designed experiment content, allowing students to participate in programming. This system can be used as experimental demonstration of teaching, but also as a student hands-on experiments the experimental system.)
    2013-08-08 22:26:50下载
  • FilterBank
    i want source code for gabor flter to remove noise n preprocessing step of fingerprint ..........and also details of gabor function
    2011-11-17 17:35:12下载
  • QPSK
    QPSK调制与解调,运用MATLAB语言编写(QPSK modulation and demodulation using the MATLAB language)
    2010-07-15 18:33:00下载
  • prog14
    Histogram, periodogram
    2009-05-25 22:39:59下载
  • pid
    主要研究基于粒子群算法控制系统PID参数优化设计方法以及对PID控制的改进。选择控制系统的目标函数,本控制系统选用时间乘以误差的绝对值,通过对控制系统的逐步仿真,对结果进行分析(The main research based on particle swarm optimization algorithm control system PID parameter optimization design method and the improvement of PID control. Choose the objective function of the control system, this control system uses the absolute value of the error, and the result is analyzed by the simulation of the control system. )
    2016-09-18 09:02:53下载
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