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  ASK_FSK_PSK digital signals



0 个回复

  • PolarCodeEncoderandDecoder
    polar code 编译码 与RM码的比较 (polar code rm code)
    2010-12-14 21:25:51下载
    OFDM_Final_Report.pdf后面附有matlab程序,我猜想可能是老版本matlab,本人进行稍加改造,在matlab环境下打开ofdm.m,执行run即可。原文有两个程序,本人只改造了第一个,第二个仿照改造即可。(OFDM_Final_Report.pdf behind with Matlab procedures, I guess that may be old version Matlab, I conducted a little alteration, In Matlab ofdm.m open environment, the implementation can be run. Original are two procedures, I would only transform the first one, the second will be modeled on the transformation.)
    2007-03-19 21:06:57下载
  • demo_OceanOptics
    demo OceanOptics communication systems.
    2013-08-09 23:16:01下载
  • simulation-of-RADAR
    雷达仿真系统的matlab实现,雷达系统功能仿真(Radar simulation system matlab simulation function)
    2013-03-20 18:14:49下载
  • challenge_pk
    Metronome using SimMechanics matlab
    2014-01-25 15:58:51下载
  • high_cumulation_recognize_signal
    高阶循环累积量对信号进行识别,该文件代码完整,适合学习,可以直接更改来识别信号(Order cyclic cumulants of the signal recognition, the document code integrity, for learning, you can change to identify the signal directly)
    2020-07-18 17:48:47下载
  • 图像的复原
    对图像进行滤波、加噪,对图像进行模糊、复原处理,另有点扩散函数与光学转换函数间的互化。(The image is filtered and noisy, the image is blurred and restored, and the point diffusion function is interchanged with the optical conversion function.)
    2017-12-05 15:03:08下载
  • pwxcf
    抛物线差分格式求解,包括一维古典显格式,DFF格式,CN格式,局部一维方法和预测校正格式的求解;文件中有具体的题目及解法说明并还有matlab程序供大家参考;易读易懂。 (Difference scheme for solving parabolic, including the one-dimensional classical explicit schemes, DFF format, CN format, local one-dimensional methods and predictor-corrector format to solve file specific description of the subject and method, and there are matlab program for your reference Easy to read understand.)
    2011-01-26 11:05:03下载
  • matlab
    绘制不同函数曲线的用户界面,可控制小球运动速度的用户界面达到多样性,还有一些关于图像的频率格式转换的操作(Function curve to draw different user interface, can control the ball speed to achieve diversity in the user interface, and some on the frequency of the image format conversion operations)
    2011-05-16 09:53:09下载
  • 3zuoye
    某市有一码头,每次仅容一辆船停泊装卸货,由于经常有船等候进港,部分人提出要扩建码头。经过调查历史资料发现,码头平均每月停船24艘,每艘船的停泊时间为24±20小时,相邻两艘船的到达时间间隔为30±15小时,如果一艘船因有船在港而等候1小时,其消耗成本为1000元。经预算,扩建码头大约需要1350万元,故市长决策如下:如果未来五年内停泊船只因等候的成本消耗总和超过扩建码头花费则扩建码头,否则,不予扩建。因此,希望你能够帮助市长做出决策。此问题已知到达的大概时间和大概停泊时间,对于此问题用概率统计的方法来做比较复杂,可用程序随机产生到达时间和停泊时间来模拟未来五年内船的停泊,多次模拟预测停泊情况,以做出决策(。-Problem in a city with a terminal expansion dock, each only allow a boat moored loading and unloading, as often there are waiting boat into port, some people proposed to expand pier. Terminal stopping 24 per month, per vessel berthing time of 24 ± 20 hours, the arrival of two adjacent vessels interval 30 ± 15 hours, if a ship due to boat in the harbor while waiting for one hour, and its consumption cost of 1,000 yuan. The budget of about 13.5 million yuan expansion dock, so the mayor decision as follows: If a ship is moored next five years, the cost of waiting more than the sum of consumption spending is expanding marina pier extension, otherwise, not expanded.)
    2015-04-17 18:59:46下载
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