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  基于小波变换方法的去雾源代码图像复原代码(Wavelet-based approach to image restoration fog source code)






0 个回复

  • lwt
    提升小波变换程序, %LWT Lifting wavelet decomposition 1-D. % LWT performs a 1-D lifting wavelet decomposition % with respect to a particular lifted wavelet that you specify.(lifting wavelet transform procedures% Local Walsh Transform Lifting wavelet decomposition 1-D. % Local Walsh Transform performs a 1-D lifting wavelet decomposition% with respect to a particular lifted wavelet that you specify.)
    2020-11-19 22:59:42下载
  • mdwt
    这是一个多维小波变换工具箱,列举了很多的实例.(This is a multi-dimensional wavelet transform toolbox, cited many examples.)
    2021-03-08 22:09:28下载
  • Three-level-wavelet-
    图像的三级小波分解,小波变换,小波图像重构.(Three-level wavelet decomposition of image.)
    2011-12-11 19:50:23下载
  • xiaobonenglaign
    本程序为小波包能量计算程序,根据相关资料,自己编写,计算感兴趣的频带能量,程序懂得人稍作修改就可以运行( U672C u7A0B u5E8F u4E3A u5C0F u6302 u803F0 u0B1 u7B97 u7A0B u5E8F uFF0C u6839 u636E u76R8 u5173 u8D44 u6599 uFF0C u81EA u5DF1 u7F16 u5199 UFF0C u8BA1 u7119 u6119 u5113 u8E1 u7684 u9891 u5E26 u80FD u91CF uFF0C u7A0B u5E8F u61C2 u5F97 u4EBA u7A0D u4F5C u4FEE u6539 u5C31 u53EF u4EE5 u8FD0 U884C)
    2017-05-18 08:53:12下载
  • tWavveletVCReh
    通过设计Visual C程序源码对简单易懂的一维信号在加上了高斯白噪声之后进行Daubechies小波、Morlet小波与Haar小波变换,从而的到小波分解系数;再通过改变分解的到的各层高频系数数进行信号的小波重构达到消噪噪的目的。在这一程序源码实现的过程中能直观地理解信号小波分解重构的过程与在信号消噪中的重要作用,和在对各层高频系数进行权重处理时系数的选取对信号消噪效果的影响。 可直接 (Design Visual C program source code on a simple one-dimensional signal with a Gaussian white noise Daubechies wavelet, Morlet wavelet and Haar wavelet transform, and thus to the wavelet coefficients and then change the decomposition to each storey wavelet reconstruction frequency coefficient of the number of signal to noise canceling noise. In the process of realization of this program source code can be intuitively understood the signal wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process and an important role in signal denoising, and the selection coefficient in the high frequency coefficients of the layers of the weight of processing noise cancellation signal impact. Can be directly)
    2012-07-27 16:21:08下载
  • emd
    经验模态分解程序包 希尔伯特黄变换程序的matlab程序仅供参考(Empirical mode decomposition package Hilbert Huang transform program)
    2017-09-03 15:10:58下载
  • JPEG2000
    说明:  小波变化代码,是比较好的测试向量,包括位平面编码和MQ(Wavelet transform code, is a better test vectors, including the bit plane coding and MQ)
    2020-12-06 09:39:24下载
  • FractionalCalculusandWavelettansforms
    该文讲解了分数阶微积分和小波变换之间的关系,很不错的论文(The article explained the fractional calculus and the relationship between the wavelet transform, a very good paper)
    2010-12-19 20:22:35下载
  • MatlabPWavelet-packetP-harmonics
    应用Matlab进行小波包对时变谐波分析的代码(Matlab Applications for wavelet packet on time-varying harmonic analysis)
    2013-08-12 21:20:49下载
  • Wavelet-Shrinkage_-Asymptopia_
    小波变换阈值去噪的文章,基于最大最小准则计算(Minimax Estimation, Adaptive Estimation, Nonparametric Regression, Density Estimation, Spatial Adaptation, Wavelet Orthonormal bases, BesovSpaces, Optimal Recovery.)
    2016-12-13 21:12:50下载
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