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于 2007-04-13 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用Matlab编写的求解高斯线型随机差分方程的离散扩展卡尔曼滤波程序。(Matlab prepared for the linear Gaussian stochastic differential equation expansion of discrete Kalman filter procedures.)



0 个回复

  • European_Option_Pricing_Mente_Carlo_Simulation
    根据BS公式,通过Mente Carlo模拟对欧式期权进行定价的源码。即使不是做期权定价的,该源码也是一个非常好的理解如何做Mente Carlo模拟的实例。(Based on the Black-Scholes formula, codes for pricing the European options through the Mente Carlo simulation. It is a very good example for your understanding of how to do Mente Carlo simulation, even if you do not engage in the option pricing.)
    2009-04-16 19:02:13下载
  • matlabPyrTools
    这是可控金字塔(steerable pyramids)的代码,使用Matlab 编写(This is controllable pyramid (steerable pyramids) code, the use of Matlab to prepare)
    2021-04-11 16:28:58下载
  • photo
    该压缩包里面是Matlab中的图形应用时有用的源程序(The compressed packets are inside Matlab graphics applications in a useful source)
    2009-03-11 14:47:11下载
  • matlabASKPSKFSK
    数字信号的传输方式分为基带传输和带通传输,在实际应用中,大多数信道具有带通特性而不能直接传输基带信号。为了使数字信号在带通信道中传输,必须使用数字基带信号对载波进行调制,以使信号与信道的特性相匹配。这种用数字基带信号控制载波,把数字基带信号变换为数字带通信号的过程称为数字调制。通常使用键控法来实现数字调制,比如对载波的振幅、频率和相位进行键控。(Transmission of digital signals into base band transmission and band-pass transmission, in practice, most of the channel with band-pass characteristics can not directly transmit base-band signal. In order to make the digital signal is transmitted with a communication channel, you must use the digital baseband signal to modulate the carrier to make the signal to match the characteristics of the channel. The digital baseband signal control with a carrier, the digital baseband signal conversion to digital bandpass signal is called digital modulation. Keying method is commonly used digital modulation, such as on the carrier' s amplitude, frequency and phase shift keying.)
    2010-11-14 16:08:52下载
  • slc
    针对3中不同的面目标回波仿真结果(内含有3个回波仿真结果) 用rd算法进行成像(Imaging rd algorithm for 3 different surface targets echo simulation results (contains 3 echo simulation results))
    2013-03-11 11:04:26下载
  • horizonlinedetection
    in this program the horizon line detection is found out by using canny edge detector and hough transform.
    2014-02-04 02:35:59下载
  • 1
    说明:  周克敏 鲁棒控制基础(essential of robust control) 书后部分习题(周克敏the basis of robust control (essential of robust control) part of the book Exercises)
    2007-11-22 20:28:25下载
  • 现代控制系统(matlab序)
    说明:  现代控制系统(matlab程序),是《现代控制系统》的配套软件,例子都比较典型。(modern control system (Matlab procedures), is "modern control system" software packages, are typical examples.)
    2005-12-16 17:16:24下载
  • vblastpic
    利用matlab仿真排序对ZFSIC的影响(Matlab simulation using the impact of sorting on ZFSIC)
    2010-05-13 21:21:48下载
  • PF_TRACE_V0521_1
    matlab编写的粒子滤波目标跟踪示例,简单实用(Matlab prepared by the particle filter target tracking example)
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