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于 2021-01-08 发布 文件大小:6312KB
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  ARM7 实例,编译环境keil4,proteus仿真,自学嵌入式很好的资料(ARM7 instance, build environment keil4, proteus simulation, great self-embedded data)


........\............\...\Last Loaded adc.DBK,188365,2006-09-05
........\............\......\Last Loaded blinky.DBK,174640,2006-09-06
........\............\.....\Last Loaded hello.DBK,174640,2006-09-06



0 个回复

  • embedded
    有关嵌入式的PPT和代码,ARM,时钟,接口,Linux等等 (PPT and related codes about embedded)
    2015-05-06 21:54:31下载
  • qrcode.tar
    QR码的编码解码 ,可以在嵌入式linux上使用(The encode and decode of QR code,and is suitable in arm-linux)
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  • C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-1
    在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.(Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications.)
    2021-04-10 16:38:59下载
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    汇顶GT5668触摸屏芯片手册, GT5668 是专为4.5”~6”设计的新一代10 点电容触控方案(GT5668 touch screen datasheet)
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  • SBC-2410X_kernel.tar
    MIZI Research, Inc.发布的嵌入式Linux内核源码,现在的版本是是2.4.18-rmk7-pxa1-mz5。其中包含了很多常用硬件驱动,如CS8900、UDA1341等。 这是为一款用SAMSUNG公司S3C2410A芯片为处理器的系统配置的内核,可支持 640*480 TFT、Audio、LAN、RS-232、USB等接口。(MIZI Research, Inc. Release of embedded Linux kernel source, the current version is over 2.4.18- rmk7- pxa1- mz5. It covers a lot of common hardware drivers, such as CS8900, UDA1341 so. This is a new company with Samsung S3C2410A chip processor for the system configuration of the kernel, can support 640* 480 TFT, Audio, LAN, RS-232, USB interface.)
    2020-06-26 07:00:01下载
  • Linux_embedded_tool
    如果您刚接触嵌入式开发,那么大量可用的引导装载程序(bootloader)、规模缩小的分发版(distribution)、文件系统和 GUI 看起来可能太多了。但是这些丰富的选项实际上是一种恩赐,允许您调整开发或用户环境以完全符合您的需要。对 Linux 嵌入式开发的概述将帮助您理解所有这些选项。(Embedded fourth year of development, so much available bootloader (Bootloader). smaller scale version of the distribution (distribution), file system and GUI may seem too much. But these rich options is a gift, allows you to adjust the development or user environment to meet your needs. Embedded Linux for the development of the outline will help you understand all these options.)
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    Mavell 88w8686的datasheet及linux code下载(88w8686 datasheet and linux code)
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    硬件jbig 压缩算法,注意:不是软件压缩哈,这个是嵌入式的程序(jbig hardware compression algorithm, attention : No compression software Kazakhstan, this is the procedure Embedded)
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    Qt 键盘程序,经测试通过,代码结构简单清晰!(Qt keyboard program, code simple and clear!)
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