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于 2012-05-28 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  shabake asabiPerceptron.m



0 个回复

  • fir_lin_phase_lowpass_min_ripple
    Designs a linear phase FIR lowpass filter such that it: - minimizes the maximum passband ripple - has a constraint on the maximum stopband attenuation( This is a convex problem. minimize delta s.t. 1/delta <= H(w) <= delta for w in the passband |H(w)| <= atten_level for w in the stopband where H is the frequency response function and variables are delta and h (the filter impulse response). )
    2011-05-27 21:49:03下载
  • bukongzhengliu
    基于simulink的单相不控整流桥电容负载的仿真模型(Single-phase controlled rectifier bridge capacitive load of the simulation model)
    2013-10-03 00:30:27下载
  • qsftwg
    采用偏最小二乘法,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真,包括调制,解调,信噪比计算,采用波束成形技术的BER计算,采用累计贡献率的方法,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析,针对EMD方法的不足。( Partial least squares method, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target, Includes the modulation, demodulation, signal to noise ratio calculation, By applying the beam forming technology of BER The method of cumulative contribution rate Much posture, multi-angle, have different light, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, For lack of EMD.)
    2016-04-14 22:05:37下载
  • NSA
    否定选择算法的仿真 希望大家能好好学习 好东西和大家分享(Negative selection algorithm for the simulation of hope that we can learn good things and to share)
    2009-05-04 20:57:56下载
  • xiaobosjwl
    说明:  这是小波神经网络的MATLAB6.5下的程序,不算完善,大家一起研究吧(WNN Matlab6.5 the procedure is not perfect, it all together)
    2005-09-06 10:27:58下载
  • pyReedsShepp-master
    说明:  通过C/matlab 混编实现ReedsShepp曲线计算,能实现从初始状态空间(x0 y0 theta0)到终点状态空间(xf yf thetaf)的非连续曲率路径规划,包含了车辆掉头入库。(ReedsShepp Curve program based on mex matlab/c , realized from initial state(x0 y0 theta0) to final state(xf yf thetaf) path planning within noncontinuous curvature configuration space.)
    2020-07-10 09:25:11下载
  • tvdenoise
    利用全变差对灰度图像和彩色图像进行去噪处理(tvdenois Total variation grayscale and color image denoising,matlab program)
    2009-12-18 11:38:24下载
  • surf2dxf
    The X, Y and Z matrix arguments can be used exactly as in the surf and mesh functions. But attention to the colors, because DXF fiels do not uses RGB palete. Instead they use a scaled color palete between 0 and 255.
    2010-02-26 13:18:51下载
  • hundun
    基本混沌系统的同步程序,用matlab编写,并且在其他系统中也是通用的。(chaos system is made by matlab language,which is suitable for other system.)
    2013-12-01 11:03:25下载
  • connectivityTri
    This function takes a triangulation (only the list of triangle, not the node coordinates) and assigns an ID to each group of triangles. If some cells are connected together, each cell of that group will have the same ID. It works like the connectivity-filter of the graphical library VTK.
    2015-01-21 22:28:57下载
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