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于 2007-05-10 发布 文件大小:230KB
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  基于邻域的分类器(距离提供3种定义) 同时提供9个国际标准数据集,经过标么(neighborhood-based classifier (distance for three definitions) to provide nine data sets international standards, after superscript Mody)



0 个回复

  • T2F
    T2F子函数,在做傅里叶变换时调用。我一开始编程序时忘了加它,结果WARN ME 说未定义T2F。(T2F subroutine, called when doing Fourier transform. I started to compile the program forgot to add it, and the result is undefined WARN ME said T2F.)
    2009-12-08 16:22:01下载
  • loop-gainKalmanfiltersourcecodepackage
    说明:  自己编写的一个循环增益卡尔曼滤波程序包,用于对机动目标进行检测和跟踪的滤波算法,给出目标数学模型和噪声模型,仿真后给出平均观测误差。程序里相应位置有标有注释。供做雷达机动目标检测和跟踪方面研究的人员参考。(I have written a loop-gain Kalman filter package, used for maneuvering target detection and tracking of the filter algorithm, given objective mathematical model and noise model of simulation, the average observation error is given. Procedures in place are marked with the corresponding notes. Do radar for maneuvering target detection and tracking studies for reference.)
    2010-04-15 16:21:59下载
  • PSO
    粒子群算法 matlab程序 matlab 语言 (Particle swarm optimization procedures matlab)
    2012-04-05 16:20:04下载
  • gistdescriptor_2
    Design of a Gist Descriptor. Computing gist requires 1) prefilter image, 2) filter image and collect output energies
    2015-03-19 17:29:09下载
  • integrated navigation
    以捷联惯性导航系统为主,添加里程计、卫星成为组合导航的半实物仿真程序(integrated navigation)
    2020-12-25 09:09:04下载
  • singmou
    分数阶傅里叶变换计算方面,仿真效率很高的,各种kalman滤波器的设计。( Fractional Fourier transform computing, High simulation efficiency, Various kalman filter design.)
    2016-09-26 19:05:30下载
  • gramschimdi
    gram-schimdt-orthogonalization matlab pro
    2009-12-12 11:24:24下载
  • matlab
    本章将涉及比较深层的 MATLAB 内容:脚本;函数(一般函数、内联函数、子函数、 私用函数、方法函数);程序调试和剖析;数据结构(类、对象);重载和继承;面向对象 编程。本章配备了许多精心设计的算例。这些算例是完整的,可直接演练的。读者通过这些 算例,将真切感受到抽象概念的内涵、各指令间的协调,将从感知上领悟到面向对象编程的 优越和至关要领。(MATLAB )
    2010-03-09 22:30:34下载
  • IntProgFZ
    说明:  利用分支定界法求解整数规划问题,结果精确~~~~~(Using branch and bound method to solve integer programming problems, the results of precise ~~~~~)
    2009-08-14 16:45:22下载
  • life
    :元胞自动机不仅是理论计算机科学领域的一个重要的计算模型,而且可视为一无限维的离散动力系统,被广泛应用于 自然科学和社会科学各领域的复杂性的研究中,是一个重要的研究方法和工具。该文以Matlab 为开发工具,开发了元胞自 动机的可视模型,为其在各个领域的复杂性研究提供了一个简易、可行的计算机仿真工具(MATLAB s version of Conway s Game of Life. "Life" is a cellular automaton invented by John Conway that involves live and dead cells in a rectangular, two-dimensional universe. In MATLAB, the universe is a sparse matrix that is initially all zero. Whether cells stay alive, die, or nerate new cells depends upon how many of their eight possible neighbors are alive. By using sparse matrices, the calculations required become astonishingly simple. We use periodic (torus) boundary conditions at the edges of the universe. Pressing the "Start" button automatically seeds this universe with several small random communities. Some will succeed and some will fail. )
    2012-04-07 17:12:38下载
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