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于 2011-07-15 发布 文件大小:15177KB
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  MATLAB GUI教学视频9:菜单控件menu的基本用法(MATLAB GUI instruction video 9: Basic usage of the menu control menu)



0 个回复

  • EdgeEffectProcessingTechniqueinEMDAlgorithm.pdf
    EMD算法中边界效应处理技术EdgeEffectProcessingTechniqueinEMDAlgorithm(EdgeEffectProcessingTechniqueinEMDAlgorithm EdgeEffectProcessingTechniqueinEMDAlgorithm)
    2010-11-15 12:58:46下载
  • matlabbook
    共有21章,详细介绍了MATLAB的应用,通过这本书您可以学到MATLAB的方方面面。(A total of 21 chapters, detailing the application of MATLAB, through this book you can learn all aspects of MATLAB.)
    2009-05-27 22:26:46下载
  • numerical-analysis
    一个功能强大的数值分析程序,含有matlab中的guide界面设计,程序都有注释,易懂。(A powerful numerical analysis procedures, the guide contains the matlab interface design, application has comments, easy to understand.)
    2011-10-23 12:46:29下载
  • zhongli
    内含:1)在同一纬度下不同斜距时比较重力简易算法和拉普拉斯算法的误差曲线;2)在同一斜距不同纬度下两种重力算法的误差曲线。内含各自的运行程序。(Contains: 1) under the same latitude different slant distance compare gravity simple algorithm and error curve of the Laplace algorithm 2) in the same slope distance under different latitude error curves of two kinds of gravity algorithm. With their own to run the program.)
    2014-11-19 16:44:16下载
  • ENCP
    a complete program for calculating and plotting effective nuclear charge
    2014-12-13 02:20:53下载
  • QPsk
    实现QPSK调制,很好的显示了调制后的波形,且可通过改变相应参数来变换图形(Realize QPSK modulation, good show the modulated waveform, and by changing the corresponding parameter to transform graphics)
    2011-12-13 16:33:21下载
  • LTE-Link-Level-Simulator
    说明:  长期演进链路级仿真:采取更低复杂度的算法,而且它是基于长期演进系统级仿真的基础上发展起来。(LTE abstracts the Physical layer for lower complexity and is based on the experience built on the LTE System Level simulator.)
    2011-04-18 19:20:02下载
    系统辨识与自适应控制---MIMO系统递推最小二乘参数估计(本程序针对2入2出系统)(System identification and adaptive control systems--- MIMO recursive least squares parameter estimation (the program for 2 into 2 systems))
    2011-07-04 16:11:18下载
  • System-Identification
    系统辨识及其matlab仿真 《系统辨识及其MATLAB仿真》附带的光盘注释: 打开系统辨识及其MATLAB仿真程序与剖析夹 : 1)“ch2,ch5,ch7辨识程序夹”文件夹为第2章、第5章、第7章的7个MATLAB辨识仿真源程序,可直接在MATLAB6.I环境下运行;对应“*.doc文件”是ch2,ch5,ch7的各程序的注释与剖析。 2)“ch3,ch4,ch6辨识程序”文件夹为第3章、第4章、第6章的6个MATLAB辨识仿真源程序,可直接在MATLAB6.I环境下运行;另一部分“*.doc文件”是ch3,ch4,ch6的各程序的注释与剖析。 3) 两个rar压缩文件解压时密码在本书的前言部分。(System identification and matlab simulation system identification MATLAB simulation that came with CD-ROM Note: open system identification MATLAB simulation program and analysis of the folder: 1) " ch2, ch5, ch7 recognition program folder" folder for Chapter 2 Chapter 5, Chapter 7 of 7 MATLAB simulation identification source, can be directly run MATLAB6.I environment corresponds to the " *. doc files ch2,, ch5, ch7 the program annotation and analysis of 2) " ch3, ch4, ch6 identification procedures" file folder for Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 6 of 6 MATLAB simulation identification source, can be run directly in MATLAB6.I environment another part of the " *. Doc Document ch3, ch4, the ch6' s program annotation and analysis of 3) extract the compressed files in two rar password in the foreword to the book section.)
    2012-06-10 20:45:06下载
  • MATLAB-tutorial
    matlab 入门教程 PPT matlab 入门教程 PPT matlab 入门教程 PPT(PPT matlab matlab Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial PPT PPT matlab)
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